






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-3 13:29| 查看数: 689| 评论数: 0|

Something peculiar is happening in western capital markets. Almost every measure of volatility has tumbled to unusually low levels. If you look at the degree of actual (or “realised”) price swings – and projected (or “implied”) future movements – investors are behaving as if the world is utterly boring.
This is bizarre. Financial history suggests that at this point in an economic cycle, volatility normally jumps; when interest rate and growth expectations rise, asset prices typically swing (not least because traders start betting on the next cyclical downturn). And aside from economics, there are plenty of geopolitical issues right now that should make investors jumpy. European elections have just propelled populist leaders into power, and events in Ukraine and the Middle East are tense.
But investors are acting as if they were living in a calm and predictable universe. Take a look, for example, at Wall Street’s so-called “fear index”, the Vix, which measures the implied volatility of S&P 500 equities. During the financial crisis this surged above 80, and later hovered around 30; it is now just above 11, a low level not sustained since 2007.
但投资者却好像生活在平静、可以预料的世界里。例如,看一下华尔街所谓的“恐慌指数”Vix,它衡量的是标普500 (S&P 500)指数期权的隐含波动率。金融危机期间,Vix指数飙升到80以上,后来在30左右徘徊;如今它仅略高于11,2007年以来还未有过如此低位。
Similarly, the “implied equity vol-of-vol” index (a derivative of volatility measures) is at its lowest level since 2006, and implied volatility in the euro-dollar currency markets is at its lowest since 2007. Bond price swings are very low too, and realised and implied price volatility for oil prices is also at a decade low.
类似地,“隐含股票波动率的波动率”(implied equity vol-of-vol)指数(波动率指标的衍生品)处于2006年以来的最低水平,欧元兑美元汇率市场的隐含波动率处于2007年以来的最低水平。债券价格波动同样很低,油价的实际和隐含波动率也处于十年低位。
“There is no demand for protection [against turbulence],” observes Mandy Xu, an equity derivatives strategist at Credit Suisse. “[Investors in] the options markets are not pricing in any big macro risks. This is very unusual.”
“市场上没有什么防范(动荡)的需求,”瑞信(Credit Suisse)股票衍生品战略师Mandy Xu表示,“期权市场(投资者)没有将任何大的宏观风险纳入考虑。这是很不寻常的。”
Why? If you want to be optimistic, one possible explanation is that the economic outlook has indeed turned benign. For while western economic growth rates have been disappointingly slow since 2008, the good news is that recovery is now afoot, at a fairly steady pace, and the disaster scenarios that used to spook investors – such as an imminent break-up of the eurozone or the debt debacle in Washington – have not materialised; or not yet. More important still, after several years of wild monetary experiments, investors are more willing to accept that western central bankers will do “whatever it takes” to support the markets; they thus expect rates to remain stable and low for a long time – even if some central banks, such as the US Federal Reserve, reduce their level of stimulus.
But there is a second, less-benign possible reason for low volatility: markets have been so distorted by heavy government interference since 2008 that investors are frozen. One issue that may account for the pattern, for example, is that tougher regulations have prompted banks to stop trading some assets. Another is that ultra-low interest rates have made investors reluctant to deploy their cash in public, liquid markets.
And there could be a more subtle issue at work too: investors are so unsure what to make of this level of government interference that they are unwilling to take any big bets. Far from being a sign of sunny confidence in the future, ultra-low volatility may show that investors have lost faith that markets work.
In reality, nobody knows which of these explanations holds true; I suspect that government meddling and low interest rates are the key factors, but academic research on this issue is thin. However, one thing that is clear is that the longer this pattern remains in place, the more wary investors and policy makers should be.
For while ultra-low volatility might sound like good news in some respects (say, if you are a company trying to plan for the future), there is a stumbling block: as the economist Hyman Minksy observed, when conditions are too calm for too long, investors assume too much leverage, creating asset-price bubbles that eventually burst. Market tranquillity tends to sow the seeds of its own demise and the longer the period of calm, the worse the eventual whiplash.
这是因为,虽然从某些角度看,超低波动率听上去可能像是好消息(例如,对一家试图规划未来的公司来说),但存在一个问题:正如经济学家海曼•明斯基(Hyman Minsky)观察到的那样,如果极端平静的市况维持得太久,投资者就会主动背负太高的杠杆,催生出终将破裂的资产价格泡沫。市场平静往往为它自身的崩盘播下种子,平静持续得越久,最终的伤害就越严重。
That pattern played out back in 2007. There are good reasons to suspect it will recur, if this pattern continues, particularly given the scale of bubbles now emerging in some asset classes. Unless you believe that those governments will be able to bend the markets to their will indefinitely. And that would be a dangerous bet indeed.


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