






发布者: 偶来偶去 | 发布时间: 2014-6-15 09:00| 查看数: 1017| 评论数: 0|

 Twenty yrs in a concrete box


  导读:近日一则“井下蜗居”的新闻引发公众关注。新闻事件中的当事人为何要住在条件恶劣的下水井内?他或她又有着怎样的人生境遇?让我们一起来解读他们的井下人生。  I once stayed in a two-bedroom apartment occupied by 45 people for two days toexperience the life of those living in illegal shared housing. The dirty toilet and laundry room,the wet floor, smelly air, dim lighting, general household mess and potential safety hazards arestill quite fresh in my memory.


  It was the worst living environment I had seen up to that point in my life. However, justrecently, I visited the "home" of Quan Youzhi, a 66-year-old woman from Shangqiu, Henanprovince.


  Quan`s home is a hole in the ground - a utility compartment three meters below street levelproviding access to underground heating pipes. When I moved the metal cover on thecompartment, all I could see were some dirty quilts on the ground. Full of curiosity, I couldn`thelp entering without an invitation.


  I had to be quite careful in climbing down with a ladder, which was actually seven pieces ofrebar fixed into the wall. Eventually, I reached the final step and dropped the last half-meter tothe floor.


  It was dark inside the compartment. The dim light from my cell phone was sufficient toilluminate the entire space, which was revealed to be no more than three square meters.


  On the ground was a thin mat and on top of that were some quilts with soil on them. Somerusty pipes made the small space even more cramped. Besides the bedding, I found only a fewcandles and two coats.


  The living conditions in the hole were a lot worse than the illegal shared housing, which,though dirty and crowded, at least had all the necessary facilities for daily life.


  People living in such a hole must have a miserable life. Together with several journalistsfrom other media outlets, we waited outside the compartment. At around 9 pm, she came back


  Quan told us she has been living in the place for 20 years. I guess she has never had somuch attention.


  We journalists soon found ourselves sitting in her home, all ears to her miserable lifestory. She spent a great deal of time telling us of the help she had received from kind-heartedpeople, though she was frequently led away by questions about her sufferings.


  She told us of her ongoing game with the chengguan, or urban management officers.


  "They blocked off the hole by welding the cover shut. … I bought a saw and cut it free afterthey went away," she said, suddenly smiling like a naughty child.


  Quan gets up between 4 am and 5 am and spends the whole day collecting plastic bottles,stopping work at 9 pm.


  "One hundred bottles can be sold for 8 yuan," she said, adding that she can usually makeabout 20 yuan a day.


  Even when she was talking about her troubles, she kept smiling all the time.


  She pointed to her belongings one after another, the objects of her daily life and theclothes she wore, telling us which kind-hearted person had provided each one.


  Despite her sad situation, she still wants to repay one kind-hearted woman who paid herhospital bills when she was seriously ill.


  "She paid 10,000 yuan for my medical fees," she said. "She`s not my daughter. I have topay her back."


  However, while I was moved by the old woman`s thankful heart, I was also shocked by theunethical behavior of some of the journalists in our group.


  When Quan was on her way to the washing room in a nearby park, she suddenly bent overto pick something up. It was a plastic bottle. None of us noticed it. She quickly emptied it andput it into another underground compartment that she used as a storeroom. After collectingbottles for 20 years, she was obviously quite skilled at her job.


  However, as she did this, a female journalist who was just next to her laughed and eventurned to look at me.


  I didn`t know how to respond. I turned my eyes away from her, and thought to myself: "Can`t you have just a little bit of respect?"



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