






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-30 14:27| 查看数: 897| 评论数: 0|

BEIJING — The new memoir of Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Hard Choices,” which gives blow-by-blow accounts of tough discussions with Chinese officials, particularly on human rights, has been blocked in China, according to the American publisher.

北京——据该书的美国出版商称,希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)的回忆录《艰难抉择》在中国遭封杀,这本书极为详尽地描述了她与中国官员的棘手讨论,尤其是在有关**的问题上。

No Chinese publisher made an offer to buy the rights for the book to be translated into Chinese for sale on the mainland, said Jonathan Karp, president of Simon & Schuster, which published the American edition.

该书的美国版出版商西蒙与舒斯特公司的总裁乔纳森·卡普(Jonathan Karp)说,没有中国出版商愿意购买这本书的中译本版权,在大陆出版。

The English version of the book was delisted from Amazon China on June 10, the day of publication in the United States, a move that effectively barred wide distribution in China, Mr. Karp said.


In Beijing, Gu Aibin, the head of Yilin Press, the state-owned publishing house that published Mrs. Clinton’s earlier book, “Living History,” said “Hard Choices” was different. “Some of the content was not suitable,” Mr. Gu said. “The company decided not to buy the copyright.”

国有出版社译林曾出版了希拉里·克林顿以前的书《亲历历史》(Living History),该出版社社长顾爱彬说,《艰难抉择》不同。他说,“这本书里的有些内容不适合。出版社决定不购买这本书的版权。”

Import agencies and publishers were fearful of heavy fines if they sold books the government deemed embarrassing or too politically sensitive, although Chinese publishers who were offered “Hard Choices” did not offer specific reasons for declining to buy the new memoir, Mr. Karp said.


Reviewers in the United States have criticized the memoir, with some asserting that it reads like a diplomatic narrative that reveals little because Mrs. Clinton may be planning to run for president. But some of the material on China is far from formulaic.


Mrs. Clinton devotes an entire chapter to the drama of how she personally intervened to help a blind dissident, Chen Guangcheng, seek refuge in the United States Embassy in Beijing in 2012, and then negotiated over several days with furious Chinese officials to allow him to go to the United States.


Mrs. Clinton writes that when the embassy learned that Mr. Chen had escaped security guards in his village south of Beijing and had appealed to the Americans to grant him sanctuary, the decision about what to do was passed up to her.


She describes how she talked it over with her aides, knowing that Mr. Chen was waiting in a car on the edge of Beijing for the Americans to come. “I said: ‘Go get him,'  ” she writes.


In a justification, she writes that Mr. Chen and his predicament represented all the United States stood for, and that in the end it was an easy decision.


She elliptically praises Dai Bingguo, the state councilor in charge of foreign policy at the time and an official with whom she had forged a strong relationship, for defusing the explosive situation and allowing Mr. Chen to leave for the United States.


The Chinese government would interpret Mrs. Clinton’s personal involvement in the Chen case as an effort by the American secretary of state to “overturn” the regime, an editor at a Chinese publishing house said in an interview Friday. The editor declined to be named for fear of reprisals.


“Chen Guangcheng is sensitive by himself,” the editor said. “But if Hillary supported him, that’s like her going up against the Chinese government.”


The Chinese government would not under any circumstances allow the book to appear with that narrative, the editor said.


Mrs. Clinton’s “Living History” became a major best seller in China in 2003, selling 200,000 copies in the first month, but was recalled by Simon & Schuster after the Chinese publisher, Yilin, removed criticisms of China’s policies and the Communist Party without Mrs. Clinton’s permission. “I was amazed and outraged to hear about this,” she said of the censorship at the time.


The latest memoir would almost certainly be a big seller in China if it were allowed to appear, the Chinese editor said. Mrs. Clinton is not particularly popular here, but “a lot of people would buy the book whether or not they like her,” the editor said. “They are interested in her experience in politics.”


“Hard Choices,” which outlines the Obama administration’s efforts to beef up America’s military and economic presence in Asia that are viewed unfavorably in China, is being sold in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Mr. Karp said.


It will not be available at Page One, the biggest English bookstore chain in Beijing. A sales clerk at one of the stores said, “Due to some of the content, it cannot be imported.”

北京最大的英文连锁书店叶壹堂(Page One)将不出售这本书。在连锁书店之一工作的一名销售人员说,“由于一些内容的原因,这本书无法进口。”

Asked if “Hard Choices” could be published in China without the chapter about Mr. Chen, Mr. Karp replied, “Emphatically not.”


In the United States, sales dipped sharply in the book’s second week in the stores from 85,000 copies in the first week, to 48,000 copies, according to Nielsen BookScan, a subscription service that tracks sales.

据跟踪销量的付费服务公司尼尔森图书调查公司(Nielsen BookScan)的数据显示,在美国,该书第二周的销量大跌,从第一周的8.5万本下降到了4.8万本。


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