






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-22 15:49| 查看数: 859| 评论数: 0|

The airport of Fortaleza, Brazil’s northeastern beachside city, looked like a parking lot this week for the powers that are changing the order of the world economy.
Official aircraft from Russia, South Africa and China were lined up on the tarmac, alongside an Air India jet, as the leaders of the so-called Brics nations arrived for their sixth and most important summit yet.
来自俄罗斯、南非和中国的公务机排列在停机坪上,旁边还有一架印度航空(Air India)的飞机。来自所谓“金砖国家”(BRICS)的领导人抵达巴西,出席他们的第六次、也是迄今最重要的一次峰会。
After first being brought together as an acronym invented by Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs to brand his investment thesis about the growth opportunity in large emerging markets, the Brics are finding their political voice. This week, they agreed to their first bricks-and-mortar institutions, committing $100bn into a development bank and a pool of currency swaps.
这些国家最初是因高盛(Goldman Sachs)的吉姆•奥尼尔(Jim O'Neill)创造的一个首字母缩写词走到一起的,奥尼尔曾用这个词来为自己撰写的关于大型新兴市场增长机遇的投资分析文章冠名。如今,这些国家正在树立它们的政治话语权。上周,它们就组建金砖国家首批实体机构达成一致,承诺出资1000亿美元建立一家开发银行,并建立初始资金规模为1000亿美元的货币互换池。
The Brics’ development bank is a potential rival to the World Bank, and the currency swaps will work in parallel to the International Monetary Fund, the two Washington-based institutions that embody the US-led economic order created at Bretton Woods in 1944.
金砖国家开发银行(以下简称金砖银行)是世界银行(World Bank)的潜在竞争对手,而上述货币互换池将起到与国际货币基金组织(IMF)相同的作用。总部位于华盛顿的世行与IMF,代表着由美国主导的世界经济秩序,这一秩序是1944年在布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)建立起来的。
The Brics now make up a quarter of the global economy, with China poised to overtake the US as the world’s leading economy, based on domestic purchasing power, this year. Together, these countries are seeking to use their clout to create institutions that reflect their new status.
Guido Mantega, Brazil’s finance minister, said one of the big differences between the Brics’ vision of a new global financial architecture and the existing US-centred system was the principle of equality among the stakeholders. “In the Brics bank, we will have equal power,” he says. “This is a fundamental point.” Unlike the IMF, whose leadership is always European, and the World Bank, whose president is chosen by the US, the Brics bank will have a five-year rotating presidency, with each country getting a turn.
巴西财长吉多•曼特加(Guido Mantega)表示,金砖国家对新全球金融架构的愿景与现有的以美国为中心的体系存在若干重大差别,其中之一就是利益相关方之间的平等原则。他说:“在金砖银行,我们各方将享有同等的权力。这是一个根本点。”与总裁职位始终由欧洲人把持的IMF和行长人选由美国选定的世行不同,金砖银行的行长将实行5年轮换制,由各国轮流派员担任。
The rise of the Brics marks the first true shift of power in the global economy since Bretton Woods. Japan, a US ally of manageable scale and few geopolitical aspirations, was easy to slot in, but now the system needs to accommodate a new set of powers that do not necessarily accept its basic assumptions.
The creation of the Brics bank shows what could happen if they are not accommodated: the fragmentation of world economic governance into multiple centres of power, competing for influence, and less able to work together in delivering global economic and financial stability.
But it would be a mistake to think this has already happened. The Brics are not as united as they appear and the new institutions they are setting up face formidable operational challenges. The moves being touted this week in Brazil are driven as much by frustration with the lack of US leadership as by a desire to supplant it. Tension with the existing system is on the rise – but the system has not broken yet.
“I never dreamed they would get together as a political group,” Mr O’Neill says of the Brics. “But I always thought the biggest rationale for them to act together is how little global economic governance has advanced.”
The most immediate complaint is the failure of the US Congress to ratify reforms to IMF voting power. Those changes would have given big emerging markets a say at the fund more in keeping with their weight in the global economy.
“We had a ‘half success’,” says Mr Mantega. “But we have still not been able to cement this because of the US Congress.” The result is that the Brics languish with 10.3 per cent of the votes at the fund compared with their 24.5 per cent stake in the world economy.
To be thwarted by the US in this manner – particularly after it originally pushed for the reforms – is galling. But it is in keeping with a political climate in the US dominated by budget worries and anti-government sentiment. The rise of China’s aggressive policy banks have already proven an attractive alternative to the World Bank for many nations; the US debate revolves around whether its own Export-Import Bank should be shut down as a form of crony capitalism.
The Obama administration avows its will to lead the world economy but has little credibility when it cannot muster domestic support. It does not help that the Senate has not confirmed candidates for two top international jobs at the US Treasury; nor has it confirmed a US director or an alternate to the IMF. It is hard to lead the global economy without staff.
“Other countries are often more conscious of US global power and influence than we are ourselves,” says Daniel Price, managing director of Rock Creek Global Advisors, and a former G20 sherpa in the George W Bush administration. “This may help explain their deep disappointment when US actions diverge so markedly from its rhetoric or ideals, whether on security, human rights or international trade.”
Rock Creek Global Advisor的董事总经理丹尼尔•普赖斯(Daniel Price)表示:“其他国家往往比我们自己更清楚美国在全球的权力和影响力。这可能有助于解释,它们为何在美国的行动严重背离其言论或理想时深感失望,无论是在安全、人权还是在国际贸易问题上都是如此。”普赖斯曾任小布什(George W Bush)政府派驻20国集团(G20)的代表。
All the Brics are disappointed about the IMF reform but with a more engaged and reliable US, their obvious internal differences might come to the fore. The Brics, after all, are a disparate group bound more by frustration with the existing system than strong shared interests; they did not coalesce behind a rival candidate when Christine Lagarde was nominated to the IMF, for example.
所有金砖国家都对IMF改革感到失望,不过,如果美国在IMF改革的问题上加强参与、提高可信度,金砖国家内部的巨大分歧或许就会显露无疑。金砖国家毕竟是一个异质集团,它们走到一起更多的是出于对现有体系的不满,而不是出于强大的共同利益。举例来说,当克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)被提名为IMF总裁时,它们并没有联合推出一位与之竞争的人选。
Chinese leader Xi Jinping sees a geopolitical role for the Brics as part of his new push to set up an alternative to US “hegemony”. Mr Xi has embraced a vision of China as a leader of nonaligned nations, first developed in the 1950s, even as he has taken a more aggressive stance on disputed maritime borders.
“China wants to go on being taken, especially among its Asian neighbours and in Africa and Latin America, as one of them, as a power from the south, a developing nation,” says Marcos Troyjo, co-director of the BRICLab forum at Columbia University. “This bank will end up providing a service for China in that regard. It gives China a sort of still-emerging nation status when in reality it is a major economic superpower.”
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)金砖国家研究中心(BRICLab)联席主任马科斯•特罗伊若(Marcos Troyjo)表示:“中国希望继续被视为一个亚非拉国家、一个南方国家、一个发展中国家,尤其是希望其他亚非拉国家这么看。这家银行最终将在这方面为中国提供帮助。它赋予中国某种‘仍在崛起中的国家’的身份,尽管实际上中国已是一个主要的经济超级大国。”
China is motivated by “unmet expectations” over the big multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, IMF or Asian Development Bank, says Zhao Xijun, deputy director of the School of Finance at Renmin University in Beijing. But it is also looking for better returns for its vast pile of foreign currency reserves, most of which are invested in US Treasuries, and risk losing value.
中国人民大学财政金融学院(School of Finance at Renmin University)副院长赵锡军表示,中国的动力来自它对世行、IMF或亚洲开发银行(ADB)等大型多边机构的“未得到满足的期望”。但另一方面中国也在为其庞大的外汇储备寻找更高的回报。中国的大多数外汇储备投资于美国国债,面临贬值的风险。
Russia has obvious reasons to support new Brics institutions at a time when it is exposed to US-led sanctions following its occupation of Crimea.
Brazil, India and South Africa are likely borrowers to finance their infrastructure needs. The Brics bank could become a welcome alternative to the bureaucratic and highly conditional lending of the World Bank and IMF. It also offers a way to strengthen economic ties: getting Indian and South African support for a global trade deal, for example.
Brazil has staked its future on reviving multilateral trade talks, says Oliver Stuenkel, assistant professor of international trade relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo. The country has not signed bilateral agreements and risks being left behind if it cannot get the Bali trade deal done.
圣保罗热图利奥•瓦加斯基金会(Fundação Getúlio Vargas)国际贸易关系学助理教授奥利弗•施廷克尔(Oliver Stuenkel)表示,巴西已将自己的未来寄托在重振多边贸易谈判上。巴西尚未签署双边贸易协定,如果巴厘岛贸易协定得不到通过,它可能会落在后面。
Getting the Brics bank up and running will not be easy, however. “The agreement deserves applause,” says Douglas Rediker at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, “but it’s a small first step in creating a new institution on the global stage worthy of being spoken about in the same breath as the IMF and the World Bank.”
但建立和运营金砖银行不会是件容易事。“(金砖国家达成的)协议值得喝彩,”华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的道格拉斯•雷迪克(Douglas Rediker)表示,“但就在国际舞台上建立一个能与IMF和世行分庭抗礼的新机构而言,这只能说是迈出了小小的第一步。”
The fund and the bank embody a set of rules that members know they must operate by, Mr Rediker says, and have a strong capacity both to monitor their borrowers and to enforce conditions on their loans. The test of the new Brics institutions will come when one of the members runs into trouble and demands a big loan. How will its counterparts react?
That highlights the fundamental issue for the Brics as potential leaders of the global economy: trust.
“Despite all the fulmination about the US, fundamentally, over the long-run, other countries do trust the US to do the right thing,” says Eswar Prasad, professor of trade policy at Cornell University. “With other countries there is not that trust.”
“尽管美国遭受大量批评,但根本而言、长期而言,其他国家相信美国会做正确的事情,”康奈尔大学(Cornell University)贸易政策学教授埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,“但对于其他国家,就没有那种信任了。”
“There is no question we are not leading as we could or should,” says Mr Rediker. “But the US is still the first among equals in the international financial system. It is the intellectual leader, the political leader and the economic leader.” The rest of the world, including the Brics, is still counting on an acceleration in US growth to drive the global economy forward this year and next.
Against that backdrop the Brics bank appears in a slightly different light: as a new player in the global financial system, yes, but not as a vanguard set to dispute its commanding heights. Having to look over their shoulders could spur the IMF and World Bank to greater efficiency.
“The additional competition will push multilateral institutions to improve,” says Mr Zhao. Mr Prasad agrees. “I actually think that competition is very good, even when it comes to the international financial architecture.” The early months are likely to be critical. If the Brics bank can get off to a strong start, says Mr Troyjo, establishing a staff and making positive loans, it could become more than a talking shop.
If it falters, it could go the way of innumerable other initiatives to establish an alternative voice for developing nations, such as the Latin American Free Trade Association, which fizzled out. The high hopes in Fortaleza show the international financial system is changing. However, the familiar bastions of Bretton Woods look set to stand for some years to come.
发展中国家另立门户但后来不了了之的尝试数不胜数,拉丁美洲自由贸易协会(Latin American Free Trade Association)就是一例。如果金砖银行发展不顺利,它可能会步这些举措的后尘。人们对福塔莱萨寄予的厚望,表明国际金融体系正在变革。然而,布雷顿森林体系那为人熟知的壁垒,似乎有望在相当长的时间内屹立不倒。
Brics bank: Equal partners will sidestep colonial legacy
After the talk shop in Fortaleza had finished late on Monday, Brazil’s finance minister Guido Mantega took time to spell out just how different the vision for the new institution being created by the Brics would be from its Bretton Woods counterparts, writes Joe Leahy.
Everything, at least in the Brics bank if not in their proposed $100bn reserve fund, would be done on a completely equal basis, he said. The aim is to avoid what the Brics see as the galling colonial legacy of the International Monetary Fund, in which four European countries – Britain, France, Germany and Italy – have a combined share of votes of 17.6 per cent while commanding only 13.4 per cent of the global economy. The Brics, by contrast, have only 10.3 per cent the IMF vote and yet up to nearly one quarter of the global economy.
Mr Mantega said each country will contribute the same amount of funding to the banks – an initial $2bn each to be injected over seven years – and have an equal vote. The remainder of the subscribed capital of $50bn will be in the form of guarantees.
The bank’s president, a position that will rotate equally between the members, will be assisted by four vice-presidents and answer to a board of directors consisting of senior bureaucrats from each of the countries.
There will also be a board of governors that will decide the big strategic issues.
Brazil will provide the first chairperson of the board of directors and Russia first chairperson of the board of governors. The Brics’ contingent reserve arrangement, meanwhile, will be divided according to financial strength, with China providing $41bn of the fund, Brazil, Russia and India $18bn and South Africa $5bn.
Decisions to approve requests for liquidity support from a country will be taken by a simple majority using “weighted voting”. More involved decisions will be taken by consensus, implying a veto for each country.


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