






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-22 15:52| 查看数: 847| 评论数: 0|

When US President Barack Obama spoke about the downing of flight MH17 in Washington on Friday, he struck a note of caution on the conclusions that could then be drawn over its fate.
当美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周五在华盛顿谈到马来西亚航空公司(Malaysian Airlines) MH17航班被击落时,他在得出结论方面语气比较谨慎。
But in the past 48 hours, open-source intelligence and information gathered by national intelligence agencies has built up a compelling body of evidence that to leave little doubt over what – and who – shot down the Malaysian airlines jet and its 298 passengers over eastern Ukraine.
A trove of evidence suggests that pro-Russian separatists and Russian military personnel shot down MH17, by mistake, with a Buk-M1 surface-to-air missile launcher from near the towns of Snizhne and Torez – although this cannot be independently verified.
The missile system was likely to have been supplied by Russia and smuggled over the border into eastern Ukraine in recent weeks. Both Ukrainian and US intelligence officials have briefed politicians and officials on this course of events over the weekend.
US intelligence officials have said they believe conversations intercepted and released last week by Ukraine’s security service, the SBU, which purported to show separatists reporting they had shot MH17 down to a Russian intelligence colonel, are “authentic”. US military intelligence also detected the launch of a surface-to-air-missile on Thursday, before the crash, from within separatist-controlled territory and has briefed that it has “confidence” no Ukrainian-operated missile systems were within range of MH17 when it was hit, as has been claimed by Russian defence officials.
The head of counter-intelligence for Ukraine’s SBU, Vitaliy Nayda, has produced a dossier that includes further telephone conversation transcripts between separatists, as well as photographic and video evidence of a Buk-M1 missile launcher under their control.
乌克兰国家安全局反间谍部门负责人维塔利•内达(Vitaly Nayda)展示了一份档案,其中包括更多分裂分子之间电话通话的笔录,以及一套“山毛榉”导弹发射装置在他们掌握之下的照片和视频证据。
The Ukrainian dossier pinpoints the missile launch time at 4.20pm, and includes an exact launch site. It also states that the Buk-M1 launcher was operated by three Russian personnel, under the guidance of a separatist named Bes, short for Besler.


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