






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-7-23 15:13| 查看数: 1319| 评论数: 0|

The central banks of China and Switzerland have struck a bilateral currency swap agreement, a move that advances the international use of the renminbi and boosts Switzerland’s hopes of becoming a trading hub for the Chinese currency.
Under the terms of the deal, signed in Beijing on Monday by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, and Thomas Jordan, chairman of the Swiss National Bank, renminbi and Swiss francs can be purchased and repurchased between the two central banks, up to a limit of Rmb150bn or SFr21bn.
根据中国人民银行(PBoC)行长周小川和瑞士央行(Swiss National Bank)行长托马斯•约尔丹(Thomas Jordan)周一在北京签署的协议,两家央行之间可以购买和回购人民币和瑞士法郎,上限为1500亿元人民币或210亿瑞士法郎。
The deal comes amid fierce competition among western financial centres for renminbi business. Earlier this year, the PBoC struck deals with the Bundesbank in Frankfurt and the Bank of England in London which will make it easier for business to be settled in the Chinese currency in both centres.
The SNB said in a statement that the swap agreement was “a key prerequisite for the development of a renminbi market in Switzerland”, adding that it highlighted the increasingly close ties being forged between the two states. Last year, Switzerland became only the second European country after Iceland to sign a free trade deal with China.
The PBoC said that the deal would “promote greater convenience of trade and investment between the two countries, provide further liquidity support to Switzerland’s renminbi market, and boost overseas use of the renminbi”.
Renminbi trading represents a little more than 1 per cent of activity in the $5tn-a-day foreign exchange spot market, but its share has climbed steadily. China has reached bilateral currency swap lines with around 25 global central banks in a bid to promote international use of the renminbi.
Most of these lines have never been used, but they could prove useful in the event of financial turmoil. In 2008, US dollar funding costs soared forcing banks to pull back from trade finance and causing China’s foreign trade to tumble. Bilateral swap lines help to reduce the reliance on the dollar of the countries involved.
As part of the agreement, the PBoC also granted the SNB an investment quota for the Chinese interbank bond market worth Rmb15bn, or a little more than SFr2bn.
The SNB said that this would allow it to diversify its foreign currency reserves, which have swelled to SFr452bn in the last two and a half years. The steep increase follows the central bank’s decision to stop the Swiss franc from appreciating beyond SFr1.20 per euro, in the face of haven inflows sparked by the concerns about the stability of the eurozone.
At the end of the first quarter, the SNB held 48 per cent of its foreign currency reserves in euros, 26 per cent in dollars, 8 per cent in yen, and 7 per cent in sterling.
China has been slowly opening up its domestic capital markets to foreign investment. Foreign institutions held Rmb437bn in Chinese domestic bonds at the end of June, according to China’s main bond clearing house.


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