






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-8-26 14:03| 查看数: 663| 评论数: 0|

Is that the squeal of brakes?It seems counter intuitive, but investors are backing out of the world's biggest car market.
According to Bloomberg data published Friday, the average price to earnings ratio of Hong Kong listed Chinese automotive companies has slipped to 9.7 times, from over 14 times in December 2012.
The wider MSCI China index is trading at 10.2 times earnings.
而摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCI China index)成份股的平均市盈率为10.2。
This is the first time the car companies have underperformed the market since September 2011, according to Bloomberg's figures.
China's economy is still growing at above 7 per cent. And McKinsey predicts urban Chinese households will double their incomes by 2022.
But China's domestic auto makers are in an unenviable spot, thanks to government policies that - probably unintentionally on Beijing's part - are conspiring to make it easier for Chinese consumers to buy the foreign-made vehicles they tend to prefer.
President Xi Jinping's government is restricting officials' car purchases as part of a wider campaign against bureaucratic waste and corruption.
This, forecasts Jefferies analyst Zhi Aik Yeo, will lead to up to 800,000 existing government vehicles being auctioned off to the public. Many of these are likely to be Audis, the bureaucrat's model of choice and a brand that in China is therefore associated with status and power.
杰佛瑞(Jefferies)分析师Zhi Aik Yeo预测,上述举动可能导致80万辆公务车向社会公开拍卖,其中许多可能是奥迪(Audi)。奥迪是中国政府公务车首选品牌,在中国是地位和权势的象征。
The increase in the supply of second hand European cars could dissuade people from buying new Chinese vehicles.
The Beijing government has also mounted what it calls "anti-trust" investigations against multinational automotive groups.
But domestic car makers will not exactly be protected by the move. The government is pushing foreign car brands to charge cheaper prices in China, which again could increase ownership of their vehicles.
Signs of pain are everywhere.
Geely, the Chinese car maker and owner of Volvo, revealed in its latest financial results that domestic sales of its own-brand cars plummeted by 40 per cent, year on year, in July.
And Great Wall, a Chinese SUV maker, said in its annual report released in March:
中国运动型多功能车(SUV)制造商长城(Great Wall)在3月发布的年报中也表示,随着国内自主品牌推出更多新产品,市场竞争正在进一步加剧。


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