






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-8-27 15:37| 查看数: 762| 评论数: 0|

The most serious earthquake to hit California’s Bay Area in 25 years struck at 3.20am pacific time on Sunday morning, injuring people and damaging buildings in Napa Valley.
The long, rolling magnitude 6.1 quake shook people out of bed across San Francisco and the surrounding areas. Three people, including a child, were said to be in a critical condition and 120 injured but no deaths had been reported.
Napa, the county famous for its vineyards, suffered five subsequent aftershocks and the United States Geological Center warned there was a 54 per cent chance of more earthquakes in the surrounding 10 to 20 miles in the next seven days.
纳帕县以其葡萄园闻名于世,在地震后又遭遇了5次余震。美国地质勘探局(United States Geological Survey,简称USGS)警告说,今后7天,震区周围10到20英里范围内有54%的可能性出现更多地震。
“Most likely, the recent mainshock will be the largest in the sequence,” it said in a statement. “However, there is a small chance (approximately 5 to 10 per cent) of an earthquake equal to or larger than this mainshock in the next 7 days.” There are no tsunami warnings in place.
Jerry Brown, Governor of California, declared a state of emergency in the area, warning that aftershocks may continue and that there is still a risk of fires. The order is intended to mobilise all agencies of the state government.
为动员加州州政府所有机构,加州州长杰里•布朗(Jerry Brown)已宣布该地区进入紧急状态。他警告说,当地还有可能发生余震,震区仍然存在火灾隐患。
“The earthquake has caused structural damage to public and private buildings, and has caused the closure of major highways and roads,” he said in a statement. “The earthquake has also damaged critical infrastructure, including power lines, and caused over 69,000 residents to lose power.”
Corners of buildings and porches crumbled in downtown Napa, while a fire raged at a mobile home park and several wineries reported barrels and bottles had crashed to the floor from shelves. Matthiasson, one family winemaker, tweeted a picture of a room full of barrels: “All of our 2013 red barrels are on the ground, don’t know how much is lost yet.”
Napa Valley Vintners, an association with 500 members, said it was too early to tell what damage could have been done to the industry. “We are immensely grateful for the outpouring of concern regarding this morning’s earthquake and its impact on our beloved community,” it said on its website.
拥有500名成员的纳帕谷葡萄酒商协会(Napa Valley Vintners)表示,目前判断该产业遭遇的损失还为时尚早。该机构在其网站上表示:“对于今早的地震以及它对我们挚爱的社区的影响,人们所表达出的关切令我们极为感激。”
The USGS said the earthquake’s epicentre was six miles northwest of the American Canyon, at the northern end of the Bay Area. The quake was the largest since Loma Prieta in 1989, which killed 62 people and damaged a major freeway in San Francisco.
Officials closed some stretches of highway and there were widespread power outages affecting up to 70,000 people, as well as gas leaks and some flooding. The California Highway Patrol in the area posted on Twitter that it was checking crossings and bridges to ensure the structures were safe and asked residents to report any problems.
官方关闭了部分主干道。不断蔓延的停电现象影响了总计7万人,除此以外还发生了多起煤气泄漏,部分地带还遭遇了洪水。当地加州公路巡警(California Highway Patrol)在Twitter上发了消息,称他们正在检查立交桥及桥梁以确保这些设施的安全,并要求当地居民汇报所发现的任何问题。
People on Twitter posted pictures of broken roads, cars under rubble and debris on the streets and the fire at the mobile home park. MC Hammer, the 1990s rapper based in the Bay Area, collated reports from the scene, asking for information from hospitals and other Twitter users.


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