





和 “芥末” 一起学英语 —— Disposable income

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-4-6 17:08| 查看数: 9856| 评论数: 4|

Disposable income Do you know "dispose". It means "handle, take care of and deal with". Disposable just means something you could use and handle. In Chinese, it's “可支配的,可使用的”. Now you know "disposable income" means "可支配的收入”。 While every month we receive salary from our work unit. But most company will deduct some charges from your income list. They're retirement insurance, housing investiment and taxes you have to pay to the government. So in your payment roll(工资单),you may have one line saying: salary 4000 RMB, actual payment: 3200 RMB. Now the actual payment is called "disposable income". Am I right? Xixi...


lunkeer 发表于 2006-11-28 15:00:55

I think so

I think you are right.
kevin.yu 发表于 2008-7-15 12:57:56
Disposable income

Do you know "dispose". It means "handle, take care of and deal with". Disposable just means something you could use and handle.

While every month we receive salary from our work unit. But most company will deduct some charges from your income list. They're retirement insurance, housing investiment and taxes you have to pay to the government.

So in your payment roll,you may have one line saying: salary 4000 RMB, actual payment: 3200 RMB.

Now, the actual payment is your disposable income.
kevin.yu 发表于 2008-7-15 13:04:00
Disposable income

Dispose means "handle,take care of and deal with", and disposable just means something you could use and handle. While every month we receive salary from our work unit, But most company will deduct some chargers from your income list, They're retirement insurance, housing investiment and taxs you have to pay to the government. so in your payment roll, you may have on line saying: salary 4000RMB, actual payment: 3200RMB, Now, the actual payment is your disposable income.
cici520ff 发表于 2008-8-6 14:46:53
I'm one of moonshine people,everymonth I'll cost my disposable clean.Am I right?
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