






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-9-17 00:46| 查看数: 2205| 评论数: 0|


What kinds of clothes do college girls need for school? When thinking about what to buy and what to bring, here’s one word to keep in mind: practical! 大学女生应该穿什么样的衣服呢?当你想自己应该买什么和带什么的时候,有一个原则要时刻牢记:实用!

You can be a campus fashion icon if that makes you happy, but most students prefer to spend their time and money on other things.当然如果成为大学时尚达人让你觉得很幸福,你也可以朝这个方向努力。

College life is stressful, and you’re going to want to be comfortable more often than you’ll want to be stylish.So what kinds of clothes should you bring to college?不过大多数的学生还是喜欢把自己的时间和金钱花在别的事情上。大学生活压力重重,在舒适与时尚之间,大家总会偏向前者。那大学生应该穿什么样的衣服呢?

Here are a few practical fashion tips.Bring comfortable clothesYou may be the type who doesn’t mind a little discomfort in the name of fashion, and that’s fine.下面是一些实用的流行小贴士:穿舒适的衣服也许你可以忍受为了时尚而牺牲一下自己的舒适度,这无可厚非。

But there will be days when cozy clothes are a must, like during finals or the day after a nasty breakup, so make sure you have them on hand.但总有一天,比如在期末考试期间或者在和男朋友分手后,你会发现自己迫切需要舒适的衣服,所以务必在衣橱里备几件舒适的服装。

Think T-shirts, sweats, and cozy jeans.Wear comfortable walking shoesUnless you enjoy being miserable, this is mandatory.Ladies, please don’t walk around campus in high-heeled pumps.This isn’t Sex and the City—it’s a college campus, and you’re going to be walking constantly.你可以考虑T恤、毛衣和修身牛仔裤等。穿轻便的鞋子如果你不想遭罪的话,这可是一件必需品。女孩子们,请千万不要穿着高跟鞋在大学校园里走来走去。这里不是《欲望都市》——这里是大学校园,你是要在这里不停走动的。

Save the cute heels for the weekend.Bring low maintenance clothesTime is at a premium in college.If it needs hand washing, don’t bring it.把高跟鞋留到周末穿吧。穿容易保养的衣服在大学生活中,时间就是一切。

Heck, if it needs ironing, don’t bring it.Bring weather appropriate clothes.Keep in mind that you’ll be walking around campus all the time, so if your school is in a cold climate, bring a heavy coat, scarf, gloves, and waterproof boots.那些需要手洗和熨烫的衣物,通通不要穿。穿适合时节的衣服你记住,你会经常在校园里走动,所以如果学校很冷的话,一定要穿厚实的外套、围巾、手套和防水靴。

Wear whatever you need to keep warm even if it messes up your outfit.If whomever it is you’re trying to impress likes you less with hat hair, this isn’t someone worthy of your attention.Don’t come to class half naked.尽量穿保暖的衣物,即便这会使你的形象打点折扣。如果你心仪的那个人喜欢你穿的少一点,那么这个人绝对不值得你为之付出。

Save the sexy stuff for the weekends, and come to class looking a little more professional.If you wear a micro-mini skirt, pair it with a big sweater.不要穿暴露的衣服去上课性感的衣服还是留在周末穿吧,上课还是穿得比较正式点好。如果穿迷你裙,就搭件宽松的毛衣吧。

Bring clothes you can layer You’re going to be coming in from the cold into overheated classrooms, and in from the heat into classrooms fit for a polar bear.备些易于穿脱的衣服你需要从寒冷的校园步入温暖的教室,也需要从温暖的室内切换到寒冷的户外。




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