






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-9-18 15:21| 查看数: 1022| 评论数: 0|

Until recently, I thought I did not much care if Scotland voted for independence. But, now, as the prospect becomes very real, I am surprised by how upset I feel. I follow the polls obsessively. I fume at the incompetence of the No campaign and the insularity of the Yes. And my sense of foreboding grows as the day grows closer.
Why should that be? The answer is that the Scottish referendum has made me realise how much my own sense of identity, and personal security, is tied up with my British nationality. Meanwhile my job – covering world affairs – tells me that the world is in a more dangerous state than for decades. That makes it a terrible time to break up Britain.
As the child of immigrants, I always feel a sense of gratitude and pleasure when I write on a customs form: born London, nationality British. My forebears were not so lucky. My grandparents were Jews from different parts of eastern Europe who emigrated to South Africa in the years before the Holocaust. My parents emigrated again, not wanting to live or bring up children in apartheid South Africa. It feels like a personal triumph that my own children were born in the same country as me.
My ingrained sense that Britain represents stability is reinforced by my travels – often to more troubled parts of the world. I spent last week in Ukraine and felt lucky, as ever, to be able to return to my own safe corner of the world.
Britain’s political stability is what set this nation apart from the rest of Europe in the 20th century. All the other big [LEADING?]nations experienced dictatorship or defeat or civil war or tyranny. Britain remained free, stable, democratic and apparently immune to fanaticism.
If the United Kingdom breaks up, that deep stability will be shaken. It is not that I expect civil war to break out. But I do not think a divorce between Scotland and England will be easy or friendly. There will be arguments about the currency, about the debt, about oil. Above all, there will be bruised and bitter feelings on both sides. On a personal level, I feel affronted to hear Scottish nationalists accuse the English of not caring about social justice, or of being narrow-minded and warmongering. That is not my experience, or the experience of millions of other immigrant families that were welcomed into England. Indeed, while the rhetoric of Scottish nationalism sometimes attacks the English for their alleged chauvinism, it is noticeable that England is a much more racially diverse country than Scotland.
I suspect that my own irritation with the rhetoric of Scottish nationalism is widely shared in England. That will mean that, at least for a while, that the English are unlikely to adopt a magnanimous attitude in any negotiations on independence. This could turn nasty quite quickly. In fact, even a narrow No vote could leave a legacy of frustration and resentment on both sides of the border.
Even in good times, I would worry about the implications of the break-up of the UK. But the current international environment is grimmer than for decades. An angry Russia has just annexed part of a neighbouring country. President Vladimir Putin boasts of his country’s nuclear arms and his ability to over-run Ukraine in two weeks. The EU he faces is weak and divided. The US is more detached than it has been for years. A far-right candidate has just topped an opinion poll for the next French presidential race. Meanwhile in the Middle East, a jihadist death cult has seized control of large parts of Iraq and a murderous civil war is raging in Syria. Hundreds of thousands of desperate refugees will wash up on the shores of Europe this year.
即便是在太平年代,我也会担忧英国分裂的影响。更何况,当前国际环境比过去几十年严峻得多。愤怒的俄罗斯刚刚吞并了邻国的一部分领土。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)炫耀俄罗斯的核武器,并吹嘘他有能力在两周之内拿下乌克兰首都。他面对的欧盟(EU)不但实力不足,而且成员国意见不统一。美国在过去几年里就表现出了超然态度,如今更加超然了。在法国下一届总统选举的民调中,一位极右翼候选人刚刚获得了最高支持率。与此同时,在中东,圣战主义死亡崇拜笼罩了伊拉克大部分地区,而叙利亚境内的残忍内战正在肆虐。今年,将有数十万孤注一掷的难民涌向欧洲国家边境。
These troubles are lapping at the borders of the United Kingdom. Anybody who has witnessed the thousands of would-be migrants desperately trying to make it across to the Channel to England (before doubtless realising their mistake and heading for socially just Scotland) will have seen a vivid illustration of how global security issues affect everyday life.
Yet the Scottish referendum campaign has been conducted as if the rest of the world stops at London. There has been almost no discussion of foreign affairs – apart from the nationalists’ inane refrain that a morally superior Scotland will not have to join in “illegal wars”. The nationalists also insist that an independent Scotland will get rid of nuclear weapons. (Ukraine did just that, when it became independent, and now bitterly regrets it.)
Anybody who suggests the security situation in Europe might be relevant to Scotland’s referendum campaign is shouted down for scaremongering. Alex Salmond, the leader of the Yes campaign, has even talked of his admiration for the way Mr Putin has restored Russian pride – remarks that were made as Russian troops were moving into Crimea.
也有些人提出,欧洲安全局势可能跟苏格兰公投运动息息相关,但所有这些人的声音都被以危言耸听之名压制下去了。苏格兰独立阵营的领袖亚历克斯•萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond),甚至谈到他对普京恢复俄罗斯尊严的方式感到钦佩——他是在俄罗斯军队进入克里米亚时发出如此言论的。
If the world keeps going bad, the Scottish nationalists could soon discover that there are many worse and more dangerous people in the world than the hated “Tory toffs” in London. By then, however, it could be too late. If the vote goes the wrong way on Thursday, the UK will break up. George Robertson, a proud Scot and a former head of Nato, was not exaggerating when he said that the “forces of darkness” in the world would love that.
如果世界局势继续恶化,苏格兰民族主义者可能很快就会发现,世界上还有很多比伦敦那些遭人恨的“托利党有钱人”更恶劣、更危险的人物。但等到那时,可能就晚了。如果今天(9月18日)的投票走向歧途,英国将会分裂。自豪的苏格兰人、北约(Nato)前秘书长乔治•罗伯逊(George Robertson)曾说,世界上的“黑暗势力”将乐见英国分裂,他没有夸大其辞。


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