






发布者: 偶来偶去 | 发布时间: 2014-9-29 13:00| 查看数: 1254| 评论数: 1|

乌拉圭回合 Uruguay Round

乌龙球 own goal

污染指数 pollution index

污水处理 sewage treatment/ disposal

屋顶花园 broof garden

屋漏又逢连阴雨 Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.

无风不起浪 There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.

无氟冰箱 Freon-free refrigerator 

无公害蔬菜 "green" vegetable

无力偿付的公司 insolvent corporation

无人售票 self-service ticketing

无绳来电显示电话 ordless telephone with caller ID

无土栽培 soil-less cultivation

无为而治 govern by doing nothing that is against nature; govern by non-interference

无息贷款 interest-free loan

无线应用协议 WAP(wireless application protocol)

无形资产 intangible assets

无形资产 intangible assets; immaterial property

无源雷达 passive radar

无源之水,无本之木 water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots

无中生有 make/create something out of nothing

五保户 household enjoying the five guarantees (childless and infirm old persons who are guarateed food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses)

五讲四美三热爱 the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves"(The five stresses are: stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals. The four points of beauty are: beauty of the mind, language, behavior adn the enviornment. The three loves are: love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party.)

五金化工 metals and chemicals

五项国家科学技术奖励 national engineering research centers

武侠小说 tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel

武装力量 The Armed Forces

物价局 Price Bureau

物流 logistics; the interflow of goods and materials

物业公司 property management company

物业公司 property management company

物业管理 estate management, property management

物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together.

物质文明 material progress

物质文明建设和精神文明建设一起抓 pay attention to ethical as well as material progress

物种起源 origin of species

夕阳产业 sunset industry


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