





【每日一曲】为自己代言 That's Not My Name

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2014-9-30 23:38| 查看数: 1149| 评论数: 0|

Hi everyone, this is Canace. Do you know the meaning of thjs name?各位知道这个英文名的含义吗?Canace含义是“风之子”。不知道正在收听节目的你,又有着什么特殊的名字呢? "That's Not My Name"就是今天要给大家介绍的歌曲。来自于一个由两人组成的英国独立流行音乐组合 the Ting Tings .曾经他们的一首Great DJ已经为他们积攒了不少人气,且MV让人捧腹的搞笑味道又让人印象深刻。而主唱Katie White的俏皮女声足以让人着迷。他们的作品中不乏时下流行的复古元素,当然还有那抹清新的小电味。随性的节拍,随意的哼唱,带给我们的却是激情的震撼。而他们的代表作品"That's Not My Name"曾在上榜首周就获得了英国单曲榜冠军。


Four-letter word just to get me alone

It's a difficulty and I’m biting on my tongue and

I keep stalling, keeping me together

People around gotta find something to say now

Holding back, everyday the same

Don't wanna be a loner

Listen to me, oh no

I never say anything at all

But with nothing to consider they forget my name

They call me 'Hell'

They call me 'Stacey'

They call me 'her'

They call me 'Jane'

That's not my name

That's not my name

That's not my name

That's not my name

They call me 'quiet girl'

But I’m a riot

Maybe "Joleisa"

Always the same

I miss the catch if they throw me the ball

I'm the last kid standing up against the wall

Keep up falling, these heels they keep me boring

Getting glamour up and sitting on the fence now

So alone all the time at night

lock myself away

Listen to me, I’m not

Although I’m dressed up ,out and all with

Are you calling me darling?

Are you calling me bird?

Are you calling me darling?

Are you calling me bird?


Four-letter word just to get me alone.肮脏的语言只会让我感到孤独。

four-letteradj. 下流的;庸俗的;使用四字母忌讳词的

"One of my kids wrote four-letter words in his composition, " said the teacher.


It's a difficulty and I’m biting on my tongue and I keep stalling, keeping me together. 


bite on one’s tongue 咬紧牙关,闭紧嘴巴(不说话),其中的介词on也可以省略。

It's wise to bite one's tongue on a controversial issue.



If they stall for time on this contract, they may get a better price.

如果他们在这个合同上拖延一下时间, 就可能得到更好的价钱.


She sells fruits at a market stall.


Don't wanna be a loner.


lonely表示“寂寞的”,loner 则是名词,表示“孤独的人;不合群的动物”。

He chose to be a loner, going to classes and to the library on his own.


They call me 'quiet girl', but I’m a riot.


riot 作名词表示“暴乱,混乱”。

The government succeeded in quenching the riot.


如果我们说a riot of+名词,则是表示这种东西“多种多样”。

The garden was a riot of color in summer.


Getting glamour up and sitting on the fence now.

打扮的漂漂亮亮 可我还是左右不定。

glamour n. 魅力,魔力

His performance fully displayed the infinite glamour of Chinese dance.


sit on the fence 保持中立

He considered that it was better for him to sit on the fence during the quarrel.



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