





【每日一曲】让人耳目一新的旋律 Bye Bye Bye

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2014-10-16 17:25| 查看数: 1298| 评论数: 3|

Lovestoned是一个来自瑞典的组合,2010年出新专辑"Rising Love",其中,Rising girl作为主打歌曲首先推广于各大网站,并获得了不错的好评。他们那与众不同的吉他的旋律,可以让你拥有置身夏天的感觉,轻快的吉他、大鼓和四弦琴配合的声音仿佛柔和的微风拂过。今天为大家介绍的歌曲是Lovestoned带来的"Bye Bye Bye",这首歌的曲调很欢快,很动听,节奏也很精致,尤其是伴奏能让你耳目一新,总是打着一种节奏,但是听起来并不觉得腻,而更多的是一种张扬的活力显示在你的面前。其实当这首歌的前奏一响起,就让人感到非常愉快。然而细听歌词,却发现整首歌都充斥着淡淡的忧伤。为什么要说"bye bye bye",让歌手来告诉我们答案。


When i see you

Looking back at me

Watching this eye still

Do your fingers

And your eyes

Have told thousands lights

But i cant tell this time

What you really meant We've been crossing the wires

And still no sparks Lost in tight

Falling apart

We've been together forever tell me why why why

Tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye

And the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry

Not left me the city,you bye bye bye

I can sing another broken song

Crying to hold on to your picture

Out of face(zuochamo)You hide behind your face

It is more than what i can takeMove around the people

You left me hanging on the lightWhy u still know my type

You take a piss meYou've been drving too slow

So i gotta let you go

Before you break meEm ayaah..


1. I love you with all my heart. 我全心全意爱你。

短语with all my heart 表示“全心全意地”。 如果你要说“我全心全意爱你”,就是I love you with all my heart.

2. I love you for you. 我真心爱你。


3. I'll love you as long as I live. 我会爱你一辈子。

刘德华有一首经典老歌《爱你一万年》。其实不可能爱那么久的,您可以说I'll love you as long as I live. 我会爱你一辈子。

4. I'm singing a torch song for her. 我单恋她。

Torch表示“火炬,火把”。A torch song是指“失恋/单恋而唱的歌”。

5. She fell in an unrequited love with the professor. 她单恋那位教授。

Unrequited : adj. 无回报的;无报酬的。unrequited love 指“单恋”。

6. He's really nutsy about you. 他对你很着迷。

Nutsy是nut的形容词,nut在美语中有“狂热的人,入迷的人”的意思,比如a movie nut(电影迷),a food nut(吃货)等等。Be nutsy about 对某人或某事痴狂,就是疯狂地爱上了。

7. I was drunk on you. 你让我神魂颠倒。

Drunk是“陶醉的,喝醉的”意思。be drunk on sb. 也表示对某人非常迷恋,使人神魂颠倒。

8. I have a big crush on you.我非常喜欢你。

have a crush on 多指冲动的爱恋,迷恋,有时候也可以指暗恋,偏向一见钟情。


timeisflying 发表于 2014-10-17 16:39:41
bye bye bye.

I love you with all my heart.

i love you for you.

i`ll love you as long as i live.

i `m singing a torch song for her.

She fell in an unrequited love with the professor.

He`s really nutsy about you.

I have a big cruch on you.

I was drunk on you.
ann720808 发表于 2014-10-17 22:28:07
i love you for you
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