





【每日一曲】再见,无缘的爱人 Almost Lover

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2014-10-20 17:06| 查看数: 1643| 评论数: 6|

来自美国的年轻女孩A Fine Frenzy在7月份发行了自己的第一盘专辑,整盘专辑顺畅的表达了A Fine Frenzy特有的那股忧郁和伤感。看了A Fine Frenzy详细的资料,并没有发现她的成长中有过太大的苦难,但是她却把忧伤演绎的这样优美和完整;当你孤单受伤或夜晚思念的时候不妨来听听她的浅唱低吟,也许你会找到许多的共鸣,让那颗受过伤的心灵找到一丝安慰;其实她的音乐本身没有太多值得称赞的亮点,但戴上耳机听着A Fine Frenzy的音乐,自己却变的非常安静。


Your fingertips against my skin

The palm trees swaying in the wind

in my chase Images

You sang me Spanish lullabies

The sweetest sadness in your eyes

Clever trick

I never want to see you unhappy

I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye my almost lover

Goodbye my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Should've known you'd bring me heartbreak

Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street

You took my hand and danced with me


And when you left you kissed my lips

You told me you'd never ever forget these images

I cannot go to the ocean

I cannot try the streets at night

I cannot wake up in the morning

Without you on my mind

So you're gonna and I'm haunted

And I bet you are just fine

Did i make it that easy

To walk right in and out of my life

Goodbye my almost lover

Goodbye my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

So long my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Should've known you'd bring me heartache

Almost lovers always do


Your fingertips against my skin, the palm trees swaying in the wind.你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤,棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞。

Fingertip: n. 指尖。我们通常所说的“了如指掌”叫做have sth. at one's fingertips,注意介词是at。

Robert knows his business very well and has all the facts at his fingertips.


To one's fingertips: 完全地,彻底地。注意介词是to。

Friedman is an optimistic American to his fingertips.


Palm: n.手掌;棕榈。表示“手掌”的时候,有一个短语叫做know sth. like the palm of one's hand 同样表示“了如指掌”,和之前提到的"have sth. at one's fingertips"意思相同,都表示“了如指掌”。

He knows London likethepalm of his hand.


歌词中的"palm tree"的意思则是“棕榈树”。

Sway: 影响,摇摆

sway in the wind在风中摇曳sway to the music 随着音乐节奏摇摆

sway from side to side 左右摇摆

值得注意的是:sway的基本意思是“摇摆”,指物体在外力(如风)作用下来回、上下、前后缓缓地摆动。引申则可表示为“控制”“影响”或者“左右(人、思想、情绪等)”等。Nothing could sway him from his decision.


So long my luckless romance, my back is turned on you.再见了我不幸的爱,我将转身离去。

So long表示“再见”。再见的表达有很多,比如bye,bye bye,so long,see you等等。

lucklessadj. 不幸的,运气不好的

It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!


Turn back on 背弃,不理睬 One should never turnbackon his home country.


When you left you kissed my lips.当你离开时,你吻着我的唇。

Lip: 名词,表示“嘴唇”。与lip有关的表达非常之多,今天为大家介绍三个。

my lips are sealed 我嘴巴很严;我不能多说I'd like to tell you what I know but my lips are sealed. 我何尝不想把我知道的都告诉你,只是我有口难言。

on the lips of在流传中

The story is on the lips of everybody. 这个故事在到处流传。

escape one's lips溜出口,脱口而出

As soon as the words had escaped my lips,I was sorry I had uttered them. 这些话刚出口,我就后悔我不该说。


sgxf 发表于 2014-10-21 07:28:31
游客 发表于 2014-10-21 07:59:20
timeisflying 发表于 2014-10-21 09:08:39
了如指掌”叫做have sth. at one's fingertips

know sth. like the palm of one's hand 同样表示“了如指掌”

sway in the wind在风中摇曳

sway to the music 随着音乐节奏摇摆

sway from side to side 左右摇摆

on the lips of在流传中

escape one's lips溜出口,脱口而出
timeisflying 发表于 2014-10-21 09:12:02
Nothing could sway his decision.

turn back on 背弃、不理睬
bakerqiu 发表于 2014-10-21 13:04:08
Very good!
ann720808 发表于 2014-10-21 16:15:41
one should never turn back on his home country
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