





Have A Try(Vol.5)!

发布者: NoNine | 发布时间: 2006-4-7 19:12| 查看数: 3741| 评论数: 10|

Have A Try!第五期又和你见面了 照例放上一首优美动听的歌曲 [mp=480,69,true][/3g] 下面就请各位网友写下自己听到的歌词吧 参与有奖哦


海伦 发表于 2006-4-8 15:58:30
to slow to open,hehe
NoNine 发表于 2006-4-10 11:57:30
稍微等下吧 我测试过的,应该是有效连接
Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-4-10 15:33:39
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-4-13 14:44:09
海伦 发表于 2006-4-14 08:27:42
NoNine 发表于 2006-4-14 20:42:54
是不是有点难了? 下次找个简单点的吧
芊芊幽竹 发表于 2006-4-15 15:53:55
我也觉得听好听的, 可是请问能公布一下题目吗? 歌词我就不奢求了[em29][em44]
NoNine 发表于 2006-4-16 19:25:36
NoNine 发表于 2006-4-21 19:56:54
公布答案咯 It Must Have Been Love It must have been love
but it's over now.
Lay a whisper
on my pillow,
leave the winter
on the ground.
I wake up lonely,
there's air of silence
in the bedroom
and all around.
Touch me now,
I close my eyes
and dream away.
It must have been love
but it's over now.
It must have been good
but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love
but it's over now.
From the moment we touched
'til the time had run out.
we're together,
that I'm sheltered
by your heart.
But in and outside
I've turned to water
like a teardrop
in your palm
And it's a hard
winter's day,
I dream away.
It must have been love
but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted,
now I'm living without.
It must have been love
but it's over now,
it's where the water flows,
it's where the wind blows.
It must have been love
but it's over now.
It must have been good
but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love
but it's over now.
From the moment we touched
'til the time had run out.
It must have been love
but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted,
now I'm living without.
It must have been love
but it's over now,
it's where the water flows,
it's where the wind blows.
It must have been love
but it's over now,
It must have been love
but it's over now,[em29][em29][em29][em29][em29][em29][em29][em29][em44][em44][em44][em44]
NoNine 发表于 2006-4-21 19:57:46
简单介绍一下这个乐队: Roxette是一支来自瑞典的二人组合乐队,1986年组建,成员就是Per & Marie.我想很多人都听过她的歌:The look,How do you do!,Joyride都曾风靡一时.“ROXETTE是继ABBA乐队后又一横扫世界的瑞典组合。二人缔造的无数佳绩为瑞典带来无数财富和声誉,瑞典更是将二人的头像印上邮票发行,以彰显二人的功绩。
尤以“Joyride”、 “Fading Like A Flower ”、“It Must Have Been Love”最为动听。
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