






发布者: Mia2011 | 发布时间: 2014-12-30 17:33| 查看数: 1030| 评论数: 0|



父亲的感人又幽默的演讲词中英对照:Philip, I wanna tell you a story. And like all good stories, it starts like thishilip,我要跟你说个故事。而就像所有的好故事一样,它是像这样子开始的:Once upon a time, there was a father, and in case you can’t figure that out, that’s me. This father had a wonderful little boy. He was very happy.从前从前,有一位父亲,万一你搞不清楚,那个人就是我。这位父亲有个很棒的小男孩。他非常开心。Then one day, he found out that his wife was going to have another baby. So I prayed, “Lord, if it’s Your Will, make her a little girl.” And He did. I was the first person to hold her in my arms.接着有一天,他发现他的妻子即将有了另一个宝宝。所以我祈祷:「老天爷啊,如果这是您的旨意,让她是个小女孩吧。」而祂答应了。我是第一个将她抱在怀里的人。And I looked at her, and I said, “Lord, make her like her mother.” And He did. She was loving, giving, so good and so kind.然后我看着她,我说:「老天爷啊,让她像她妈妈吧。」然后祂办到了。她深情、奉献、很好心又很仁慈。But then I realized I was getting left out. So I said, “Lord, make her like me.” And He did. She could drive a truck and a tractor. She could load hay and chew tobacco. Do you realize what you’re getting?但接下来我了解到我给遗漏了。所以我说:「老天爷啊,让她像我吧。」然后祂照办了。她能够驾驶卡车和牵引机。她可以堆牧草还能嚼烟草。你知道你即将得到的是什么吗?But at the same time, she was opinionated, emotional and hard-headed. So I said, “Lord, that’s enough of that! Make her like You.” And He did. He gave her the desire to serve people. She loves people. She gave her life to being a nurse. She’s brought people back from the dead. And she’s held the hand of people who have breathed their last breath. He gave her a heart for missions, and she’s trekked all over the world. Pushed canoes up swollen rivers, laid on the floor while bullets whizzed outside so she could tell people about Jesus.但同时,她顽固、情绪化而且强悍。所以我说:「老天爷啊,那样足够了!让她像你吧。」而祂做到了。她给了她服务人群的渴望。她爱人们。她奉献一生当个护士。她曾把人从鬼门关给救回来。她曾握着那些咽下最后一口气的人们的手。她给了她传道的勇气,而她曾艰苦跋涉了千山万水遍及世界。推独木舟逆着涨水的河流而上、子弹呼啸在外时卧伏在地,如此而能够向人们传播耶稣的福音。But still something was missing, so I said, “Lord, make her happy.” And she met you. Did you see that look on her face? I never saw that until she met you. And I’m grateful for that. Today I’m giving you the best thing I have to give.但仍然缺少某个东西,所以我说:「老天爷啊,让她快乐吧。」然后她遇见了你。你看到了她脸上的那表情吗?直到她遇见了你我才见到那表情。而我因此心怀感激。今天我要将我所拥有能够施予最棒的东西交给你。I just want you to know before I do that, how hard me and God has worked to get her ready. So Philip, as I give her to you, I don’t think you’ll mind if I give you one more word of advice. Me and God’s worked hard. Don’t screw it up!在我那样做之前,我只是想要你知道,老天爷和我是已经多么地努力将她给准备好。所以Philip,当我将她交给你之时,我不认为你会介意如果我多给你一句忠告。老天爷和我已经很努力了。别搞砸了!


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