





[原创] Wish him will be happy in the heaven !

发布者: Rita娜 | 发布时间: 2006-4-8 17:06| 查看数: 11158| 评论数: 5|

<STRONG><U><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4>Wish him will be happy in the heaven<br></FONT></U></STRONG>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  Today is a special day for me.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  I got up later than ever before because I stayed up too late yesterday,and I prepared for breakfast ,this is normal for me .</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  Maybe I have told you that my mum has taken care of my grandpa,an old man, who has got a cancer.We all know that he can't live too long, maybe only for several weeks or even several days. After breakfast ,I had something to tell my mum and rang her,but what I got was a bad news---my grandpa has just died.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  What  a shock to me !</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  But we all know that it is certain.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  But what could I do ? Nothing !</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  At that time,I feel life is so weak,and we never know when we will disappear in the world,of course ,we never know that,because we are human instead of god.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  Every year our family would visit my grandparents,but we would see only one this Spring Festival.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  Yes,I know so is life which contains bitterness and sweetness together.I CAN'T go there to visit him today because I am busy with my work,and I have to take care of my little sister,what a pity...... !</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<br><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4><STRONG>  The only thing I can do is to wish him---my grandpa will be happy in the heaven!<br></STRONG></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-8 17:20:51编辑过]


sunna 发表于 2006-4-12 15:55:26
I also think your grandpa will be happy in the heaven!!!
Rita娜 发表于 2006-4-12 17:08:08
Thank you ,Sunna!
tataoo 发表于 2007-8-30 22:30:46
wish him a happy life in the heaven.

we would never be told what will happen to us ahead of time,what we can do is to make use of time to do whatever we interested in
magicsunxq 发表于 2007-8-30 22:41:21
Heaven is a place nearby.

So there's no need to say goodbye.

I wanna ask you not to cry.

We'll always be by your side.
magicsunxq 发表于 2007-8-30 22:42:11

Now it's time to say goodbye

And goodnight
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