






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-1-12 20:31| 查看数: 696| 评论数: 0|

For the renminbi to go truly global it needs more than just cross-border trade flows. China needs to make giant strides in the opening of its domestic capital markets to allow renminbi to flow more freely between China and the rest of the world. This will speed up the renminbi’s emergence as an investment currency and bring the ultimate convergence of onshore and offshore markets closer.


The renminbi is already convertible under the current account and the offshore market is showing strong organic growth. At the end of November last year, offshore renminbi deposits exceeded Rmb1.85tn, up from Rmb1.35tn at the end of 2013 and Rmb315m at the end of 2011. We are optimistic that these flows will continue to accelerate as the proportion of China’s total trade settled in renminbi increases.


The volume, however, only tells part of the story. Offshore renminbi liquidity is comprised largely from cross-border trade settlement, retail conversion and bilateral currency swaps between China’s central bank and foreign central banks. The need to hold renminbi to buy Chinese exports is no doubt an important aspect of the Chinese currency’s international allure, but it alone cannot sustain the desire of the outside world to adopt the renminbi.


The pace of growth is steadying as interest among overseas investors in holding renminbi wanes. This is due to the offshore renminbi market not being liquid and deep enough. Investors need to see whether the currency is stable enough and if they have proper investment channels to receive returns.


The next step will be critical. To stimulate investor interest in holding renminbi assets, there must be sufficient investment and financial products for holders of offshore renminbi to invest in. This will play a key role in encouraging the usage of renminbi across the border. China urgently needs to accelerate reform to improve its domestic capital markets to become efficient.


At $17.4tn, its domestic equity and bond markets are big and growing fast, but they punch well below their weight both domestically and internationally. China’s domestic bond market is already the third largest in the world. We expect it to double in size within three to five years as China continues its financial reforms to build multi-layer capital markets. The Chinese government is incentivising corporates to reduce reliance on bank lending and to raise funding directly from capital markets.


Opening the capital account will be an important step in the renminbi becoming a major global investment currency, and ease access to borrowing with more market-driven interest rate markets to fund China’s next phase of growth. Furthermore, the liquidity, depth and ease of access of the onshore market will determine if the renminbi can become a funding currency in the global capital market.


It is important to note that the capital account is already more open than people think. Around 85 percent of China’s capital account is already convertible, according to Yi Gang, head of China’s state administration for foreign exchange. Indeed, only four out of the 40 items in the capital account are currently not convertible, while 22 items are partially convertible.


As the capital account opens further, we expect increasing amounts of renminbi transactions and holdings will be given a foothold via offshore renminbi centres. This will make offshore renminbi markets a critical component of the developing financial system.


As the offshore money pool gets bigger it will attract more issuers, especially those ones which are confined from issuing in the onshore market. In the longer run, when the renminbi plays a significant role in international trade and investment, the offshore market will become a platform for global corporates to raise funds.


As part of its efforts to popularise the renminbi, China has been gradually widening the channels for inbound portfolio investment. Funds also can be used for investment in China’s domestic market through various quota-based qualified investor programmes. The main current barrier is the overseas companies’ willingness to accept renminbi since there is still limited usage of renminbi in the offshore markets and the “recycling” channels are narrow.


Last year, Beijing moved to widen channels for foreign investors to buy mainland stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII) scheme – which has a quota of Rmb770bn – has been granted to Hong Kong, the UK, Singapore, France, South Korea, Germany, Canada, Australia and Qatar.


A stock connect scheme linking the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges is a new pilot program that allows for a two way investment channel which enables overseas investors to bypass those one way ‘Q’ scheme quota systems, making trading far quicker and easier.


We expect further expansion of these “Q” schemes – namely QFII, RQFII and QDII – and the eventual phasing out the quotas. The outflow of renminbi from the mainland and the inflow of renminbi from Hong Kong will also facilitate a healthy and significant offshore investment ecosystem for the currency and help accelerate its internationalisation.


The next phase of renminbi investment flows is likely to focus on China’s ‘going-out’ strategy. In 2013, the country’s foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows reached over $117bn, and outbound direct investment (ODI) hit a record $90bn. But while renminbi was used in around 60 per cent of FDI, it accounted for only 15 per cent of ODI.


The renminbi liquidity involved in Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) and the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) schemes are not yet significant. The barrier for Chinese companies to use renminbi in overseas direct investment is not the offshore market’s limited size, but its liquidity.


We expect the renminbi to comprise a larger share of China’s ODI over time. Beijing’s recent simplification of the procedures for outbound investment is enabling outward flows to grow further. A number of overseas mergers and acquisitions, for instance, have been accomplished with payments or capital contributions remitted in renminbi outside the mainland.


But more needs to be done, not least to improve Chinese companies’ access to overseas financial markets, where the cost of funding has been significantly lower than on domestic markets for several years.


The ultimate aim of Chinese authorities in establishing offshore renminbi markets is to promote the renminbi as an international currency. To reach the status of a reserve currency, however, China needs deeper and more open financial markets; and a stable and convertible currency; which will still take some time.



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