






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-1-19 12:59| 查看数: 659| 评论数: 0|

BP is facing a possible civil penalty of up to $13.7bn for its 2010 spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of a court ruling on Thursday, after a US judge split the difference between competing claims about how much oil had escaped into the ocean.
The highest possible penalty is about $4bn less than the maximum previously sought by the US government, but still almost four times as much as the amount set aside by the company.
Judge Carl Barbier at the US District Court in New Orleans ruled on Thursday that BP’s Macondo well had leaked 3.19m barrels of oil into the waters of the gulf: a figure that was not far from the midpoint of the range set by the competing estimates from BP and the US government.
美国新奥尔良地方法院法官卡尔•巴尔比耶(Carl Barbier)周四裁定,英国石油公司Macondo油井向墨西哥湾海域泄露了319万桶原油。与英国石油公司和美国政府间相互抵触的估计数字相比,这一数字差不多正好在两者中间。
BP had argued that 2.45m barrels went into the water, while the US government contended it was 4.19m. Both sides produced expert witnesses and made technical arguments in court to support their estimates.
In Judge Barbier’s first decision from the trial, which he handed down last September, BP was found to have acted with gross negligence and wilful misconduct in the actions that caused the spill.
Under the Clean Water Act, that means it faces a maximum civil penalty of $4,300 per barrel spilled, implying a potential total charge of up to $13.7bn.
根据《清洁水法》(Clean Water Act),这一裁决意味着该公司将按照其溢油量,面临最大每桶4300美元的民事处罚。也就是说,总的罚金可能高达137亿美元。
The precise total will be set by the judge following a final “penalty phase” of the trial, which begins in New Orleans next Tuesday.
The US government will argue that the penalty should be set at or close to that maximum, while BP will contend that factors that are important under the law, including the efforts it made to clean up the oil and the recovery of the gulf region since the spill, mean that the payment should be much lower.
It has provided $3.5bn for the Clean water Act penalty in its accounts.


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