






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-1-22 14:33| 查看数: 678| 评论数: 0|

Global public confidence in institutions has evaporated in the last year, taking trust levels back to lows not seen since the financial crisis in 2009, according to research to be presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.
根据一份将于本周在达沃斯(Davos)世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上展示的研究报告,去年全球公众对各机构的信心不再,导致人们的信任水平跌至2009年金融危机爆发以来从未出现过的低点。
“Unimaginable events” from the Ebola crisis to the disappearance of a Malaysian airliner, Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, the forex rate-rigging scandal and the high-profile hacks of Sony Pictures and celebrity photos on Apple’s iCloud have created a “sense that things are out of control,” said Richard Edelman, chief executive of the world’s largest public relations consultancy by revenues, which publishes the annual Edelman Trust Barometer.
全球营收最高的公共关系咨询机构爱德曼(Edelman)每年都会发布爱德曼信任度调查报告(Edelman Trust Barometer)。该公司首席执行官理查德•爱德曼(Richard Edelman)表示,从埃博拉病毒危机,到马航客机的失联、俄罗斯对乌克兰的干预、外汇利率操纵丑闻、备受关注的索尼影视(Sony Pictures)遭遇黑客攻击事件、以及苹果公司(Apple)iCloud艳照门事件,种种“难以想象的事件”让人产生了一种“诸多事情处于失控状态的感觉”。
The rapid pace of innovation across industries has also left many people feeling unsettled, depressing confidence in both business’s and government’s ability to manage change.
“All this has had a negative effect on trust in institutions. We’ve given back all the gains of the last five years,” he said.
For the first time, nearly two-thirds of the 27 nations surveyed fell on the “distrustful” end of Edelman’s index, gauging respondents’ trust in government, business, media and non-governmental organisations.
Among the informed public segment of the 33,000-person survey — a group of 700 wealthy, well-educated, well-informed individuals — 57 per cent said they trusted business, down from 59 per cent last year.
In half of the countries surveyed, trust in business dipped below 50 per cent, the worst reading since 2008. Canada, Germany, Australia and Argentina saw the biggest declines, with the percentage of those trusting in business dropping more than 10 points. In the US, however, trust rose from 58 to 60 per cent.
Trust in government rose overall from 45 per cent to 48 per cent but after stripping out large jumps in India and Indonesia, which held national elections in 2014, government trust dipped to 44 per cent. The sharpest falls came in South Korea, where trust dropped from 45 per cent to 33 per cent, and Malaysia, down to 45 per cent from 54 per cent. In Russia, in contrast, trust doubled from 27 per cent to 54 per cent.
Trust in media dipped from 53 per cent to 51 per cent, with the lowest levels recorded in Turkey, Japan, Ireland, Sweden and the UK.
Even NGOs, which had weathered the turbulence of the financial crisis and recovery, saw their first drop, to 63 per cent from 66 per cent last year. Trust fell most in the UK, down to 51 per cent from 67 per cent; Hong Kong, to 63 per cent from 77 per cent, and China, to 72 per cent from 84 per cent.
Mr Edelman pointed to unhappiness with NGOs’ ability to pushing change in China and in tackling energy issues, such as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, in the UK.
The rise of new technologies, including fracking, has emerged as a fresh factor weighing on public confidence.
“Innovation should be a trust accelerator, but it is actually a trust anchor,” Mr Edelman said. “It is seen as unregulated, good for companies and individuals but not for society.”
Fifty-one per cent of those surveyed said the pace of development and change in business was too fast, versus 28 per cent who found it too slow and 19 per cent judging it just right.
Genetically modified foods and hydraulic fracturing were least trusted, at 32 per cent and 47 per cent, while confidence was higher in electronic and mobile payments (69 per cent) and personal health tracking (59 per cent.)
Respondents favoured tighter regulation of innovations, but only half said they trusted policy makers to do that effectively.
Trust in innovation correlated with overall trust in institutions, with countries such as the UAE, India and Indonesia expressing higher confidence in both, and Germany, Japan and Sweden being more distrustful.


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