





布什:俺想上厕所,中不中?(I think I may need a bathroom break?)

发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2006-4-8 21:03| 查看数: 6974| 评论数: 0|

<STRONG>布什:俺想上厕所,中不中?(I think I may need a bathroom break?) <!----标题结束--------><BR><BR><!----属性开始--------></STRONG>我爱英语网  http://www.52en.com <!----属性结束--------><BR><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14px"><!----正文开始-------->
<CENTER><IMG src="http://www.52en.com/img/bush_bathroom.jpg" border=1></CENTER><BR>A photographer has snapped United States President George W Bush apparently writing a note to ask whether a toilet break is possible during a United Nations meeting.<BR><BR>在联合国会议期间,美国总统布什写了一张便条,询问是否能去上厕所。一位摄影师恰好拍下了这一幕。<BR><BR>Mr Bush is said to have written the note to his Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice.<BR><BR>据说布什总统是写此便条给他的国务卿赖斯。<BR><BR>"I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible?" a Reuters news agency photographer caught him writing during a UN summit.<BR><BR>一位路透社的摄影师在联合国峰会期间拍下了他的便条:“俺想上厕所,中不中?”<BR><BR>The photo has since been doing the rounds of the Internet. It has become the most-emailed picture on the Yahoo portal's news site.<BR><BR>这张照片在网络上得到了迅速传播,已经成了雅虎门户网站的新闻频道的“被Email传送次数最多的照片”。<BR><BR>The photo ran under the headline 'Excuse me Condi, can I go to the bathroom?' in The Times Online and prompted jokes such as 'Bush needs to go ... NOW' on other websites.<BR><BR>照片被冠以“抱歉,赖斯,我能去厕所吗?”的标题,刊登在泰晤士在线。而在其他网站,则戏以诸如“布什想要去……急”<BR><BR>While some questioned the authenticity of the photo and whether Mr Bush had written the whole note, journalism industry publication Editor and Publisher quoted a Reuters editor as saying Mr Bush had indeed taken a bathroom break shortly after photograher Rick Wilking snapped him writing the note.<BR><BR>然而,有些人置疑照片的真实性,以及便条上的文字是否全为布什所写。对此,《编辑与出版家》杂志引用了一位路透社编辑的说法:“在Rick Wilking拍摄下他写的便条后,布什的确匆匆去了一趟厕所。”<BR><BR>The Editor and Publisher website quoted Gary Hershorn, Reuters's news editor of photos for the Americas, as saying Wilking saw Mr Bush pass the note to Dr Rice and a little later the President left the room briefly and then returned.<BR><BR>《编辑与出版家》杂志网站引用了路透社美国图片新闻编辑Gary Hershorn的话,他说Wilking看到布什总统将此字条递给赖斯,随后总统短暂地离开了一会儿。<BR><BR>The website quoted Mr Hershorn as saying that Wilking had no idea what Mr Bush was writing at the time when he took the shots.<BR><BR>网站引用Hershorn的说法,表明Wilking在拍摄时并不知晓布什写的是什么内容。<BR><BR>"Rick had no idea what he was shooting, or what Bush was writing," Mr Hershorn told Editor and Publisher. "If Rick knew what he was writing we'd have 25 pictures of this, not two."<BR><BR>“Rick并不知道拍的是什么内容,也不知道布什写的什么,”Hershorn先生告诉《编辑与出版家》杂志。“如果Rick知道布什在写什么,我们就会拍个25张照片,而不是像现在这样只有两张。”<BR><BR>【Ywer编辑/52EN.Com◎译文仅供参考】 <!----正文结束--------></FONT><BR>


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