






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-3-26 08:30| 查看数: 780| 评论数: 0|

Hutchison Whampoa will create Britain’s largest mobile network after agreeing a £10.3bn deal to acquire O2 in the UK from Spain’s Telefónica.
和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)将缔造英国最大的移动通信网络,该集团已达成一笔103亿英镑的交易,收购西班牙电信(Telefónica)旗下英国移动运营商O2。
In its largest overseas deal, Hutchison will combine O2 with its Three mobile group to bring together 31m customers, or about 41 per cent of the UK wireless market.
Hutchison is controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, who has overseen an aggressive push into UK infrastructure with a range of acquisitions in ports, rail and real estate.
和记黄埔是由香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)控制的,近年李嘉诚积极投资于英国的基础设施,对港口、铁路和房地产进行了一系列收购。
In an announcement on Tuesday, Hutchison Whampoa said it had agreed terms to acquire O2 following exclusive discussions with Telefónica.
The two groups said the deal would be subject to regulatory approvals that might take up to a year.
Hutchison could license the O2 brand in the UK to run alongside or instead of Three in future, according to one person familiar with the situation. However, he added that a final decision had not been made.
“Subject to regulatory approval, the deal that has been agreed today will result in the creation of the most customer-centric mobile operator in the UK,” said Ronan Dunne, chief executive of O2 UK.
“在获得监管部门的批准后,今天达成的这笔交易将带来英国最以客户为中心的移动运营商,”O2英国首席执行官罗南•邓恩(Ronan Dunne)表示。
Hutchison will pay an initial £9.25bn, with an additional deferred payment of £1bn once the cumulative cash flow of the combined company in the UK reaches an agreed threshold.
Telefónica said it would use a substantial part of the proceeds to reduce debt.
Hutchison Whampoa has been in exclusive talks to buy the business since January. Telefónica had previously been in negotiations about the sale of O2 to BT, which then decided instead to acquire EE from Deutsche Telekom and Orange.
和记黄埔自1月以来一直在就收购O2的事宜进行排他性谈判。西班牙电信此前曾就向英国电信(BT)出售O2展开谈判,后来BT转而决定从德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)和Orange收购另一家英国移动运营商EE。
The UK telecoms market will be transformed by the combination of O2 and Three as well as BT’s parallel acquisition of EE, the rival mobile group, which will be combined with its broadband and media businesses.
The deals have sparked a strategic rethink at rival groups keen to offer bundled deals of TV and telecoms. Vodafone will push aggressively into TV and broadband for the first time this year, while Sky has signed a deal to launch mobile services next year.
Hutchison Whampoa is still in talks to sell a 30 per cent stake in the combined group — worth about £3bn — to sovereign wealth funds. Funds from Qatar, Singapore and Canada have been part of the conversations, according to one person with knowledge of the transaction.
The next focus for the group will be resolving any regulatory objections to removing one of only four mobile network operators in the UK, which analysts fear could lead to higher prices.
The deal will be assessed by antitrust authorities in Brussels given the overseas ownership of both businesses, in spite of a desire among British regulators to be involved.


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