






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-4-17 13:14| 查看数: 730| 评论数: 0|

Netflix added a record 4.9m subscribers in the first quarter of 2015, lifting the streaming video company’s global base above 60m as it rolls out an aggressive expansion of its international footprint and original programming.
The news sent shares up more than 11 per cent in after-hours trading in New York.
The subscriber increase beat Netflix’s internal forecast of 4.05m additions and reflected higher than expected growth in the US, to 41.4m members, and internationally, to 20.9m. The company expects to add 2.5m customers in the current quarter.
Netflix’s global ambitions were underscored on Wednesday by its announcement of a new partnership with the creators of the BBC’s Planet Earth for a nature documentary series called Our Planet.
周三,该公司宣布与英国广播公司(BBC)《行星地球》(Planet Earth)的制作方新建合作关系,打造名为《我们的星球》(Our Planet)的系列自然纪录片。此举愈发凸显Netflix在全球的雄心。
The programme, which will premiere on Netflix in 2019, is a collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund and Silverback Films, the production company led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who created Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and Blue Planet.
该节目将于2019年在Netflix网站首次播出,节目在制作上将与世界自然基金会(WWF)及Silverback Films公司合作。Silverback Films是由阿拉斯泰尔•福瑟吉尔(Alastair Fothergill)和基思•肖利(Keith Scholey)领导的制作公司,他们两人曾制作过《行星地球》、《冰冻星球》(Frozen Planet)以及《蓝色星球》(Blue Planet)等节目。
“Netflix is clearly focused on replacing linear television with on-demand, ad-free programming on a worldwide basis. The company has begun to not only license content on a worldwide basis, but also create content that has worldwide appeal,” said Rich Greenfield, analyst at BTIG Research.
Despite the bumper subscription growth, Netflix took a financial hit in the first quarter from foreign exchange swings and the costs associated with global growth and creating original content.
Net income fell 55 per cent to $23.7m, or 38 cents a share, from $53.1m, or 86 cents a share, a year ago, well below the 60 cents Netflix had projected and analysts’ expectations of 69 cents. Stripping out currency losses, earnings per share would have been 77 cents.
Revenue rose to $1.57bn from $1.27bn, in line with expectations.
Losses in the international business widened to $65m from $35m a year ago, as a $15m foreign exchange impact offset subscriber growth.
The company raised $1.5bn in the debt market in February to fund its growth plans, which include substantial investments in original programmes.
今年第一季度,用户从该公司网站下载了100亿小时的视频。这些视频中包括了首播的《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)第三季、新推出的喜剧系列片《我本坚强》(Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)以及情节剧《血脉》(Bloodline)。
Users streamed more than 10bn hours of video in the first quarter, which saw the debut of the third season of House of Cards and the launches of the comedy series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and the drama Bloodline.
在写给股东的一封信中,Netflix首席执行官里德•赫斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)及首席财务官戴维•韦尔斯(David Wells)表示:“我们的原创内容战略正在如我们期待的那样发挥作用。它不仅以一种对Netflix来说十分经济的方式,大大提高了点击率,还在全球提升了对我们品牌与服务的正面印象。”
“Our original content strategy is playing out as we hoped, driving lots of viewing in an economic way for Netflix while bolstering the positive perception of our brand and service around the world,” said Reed Hastings, chief executive, and David Wells, chief financial officer, in a letter to shareholders.


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