






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-6-3 13:45| 查看数: 592| 评论数: 0|

About time too. This week the International Monetary Fund turned down the heat under one of the longest-simmering disputes in international economics by declaring China’s currency, the renminbi, no longer undervalued.
The US Treasury, which has led the campaign to brand China a currency manipulator for holding down the renminbi, unsurprisingly disagrees. But the IMF’s assessment, which echoes that from reputable independent economists, suggests that the exchange rate is no longer a major impediment to China’s long-awaited rebalancing from exports to domestic demand.
For more than a decade, pressing China to let therenminbi rise was the number one focus of US international economic policy. It tried public condemnation; it tried quiet diplomacy. It contemplated a quixotic idea, often mooted in Congress, to take Beijing to the World Trade Organisation over the issue. It tried — unwisely for the fund’s independence — to turn the IMF into a currency sheriff to go after misaligned miscreants; it tried rounding up a posse in the G20 to do the same.
In the end, it is not clear that external pressure had much effect. More likely is that the internal debate within China leaned increasingly towards shifting course in its own interest. Beijing started letting the nominal exchange rate appreciate after 2005, paused it for two years during the financial crisis, and then let it resume. By 2013 the renminbi had risen enough that it was no longer a one-way bet. Since then the nominal exchange rate has behaved more normally, fluctuating in response to capital flows, while higher inflation has driven the real rate higher.
The intervention to hold down the currency was undoubtedly a problem for China as well as for the unbalanced world economy. It kept China locked into an export-led growth model that aroused discontent about unfair competition around the world, and the impression of a one-way bet encouraged potentially destabilising inflows of capital.
A stronger renminbi will not by itself cure all the imbalances in China’s economy. As the IMF points out, China still has a large current account deficit related more to over-saving than to the exchange rate. It also has to cope with a large build-up of domestic debt. Still, by making imports cheaper, the stronger exchange rate should help to ease the much-heralded shift from an export-investment model of growth to one based more on consumption.
China has a particular incentive to move further towards a freely floating exchange rate. Under active discussion is the renminbi’s possible inclusion in the Special Drawing Right, a basket of currencies forming the basis of a class of reserve assets that the IMF’s member countries can create among themselves. In reality, unless a large market in privately issued SDR assets starts up, the renminbi’s inclusion will make little practical difference. But since being “freely usable” is a criterion for membership in the SDR basket, it will be a symbolic imprimatur of respectability.
With China still using capital controls and intervening in currency markets on a tactical basis, the IMF’s members should be careful not to bestow that accolade prematurely.
The IMF’s assessment ought to dampen down the calls in the US Congress for punishing Beijing for alleged manipulation, though they are highly unlikely to go away altogether. But for China itself, the rise in the renminbi, while very welcome, is only one stage in the process of reorienting its economy in a more sustainable direction. China is, finally, heading down the right path. But it has taken a long time to get here and there is a way to go yet.


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