





说说虎妈猫爸的教育方式 你认同哪种?(双语)

发布者: Amy1314 | 发布时间: 2015-6-5 12:30| 查看数: 1045| 评论数: 0|

 Move over Tiger Mother - there's a new cat on the block.


          Perhaps you're familiar with the super-strict mum who pushesher kids to be the best at school, sport, and music - no matterwhat the cost. It's a parenting style made famous in 2011 bythe Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-sellingbook "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother". Well, there'sanother feline in the parenting world: Cat Dad.


          Cat Dad takes a more softly, softly approach to parenting - preferring to be emotionally sensitive,gentle and relaxed about rules and discipline, in the belief that it will make their offspring self-sufficient and independent. The term has been trending on the micro blogging site Sina Weibobecause of a hit Chinese television programme, "Tiger Mom Cat Dad". The two lead characters are,as the title suggests, a fierce Tiger Mom and a chilled-out Cat Dad. Their styles collide as they tryto raise their young daughter.

          猫爸在育儿方面采取的方式更为温和,情感细腻、温柔,在规则和纪律上更宽松,他们人物这样能让孩子自信独立。随着电视剧《虎妈猫爸》的热播,“猫爸”一词已 在新浪微博上流行开了。正如剧名所示,剧中的两位主角,一位是严厉的虎妈,另一位是从容的猫爸。在抚养女儿的问题上,二人的教育风格发生了冲突与碰撞。

          While Cat Dad may not be as well known as Tiger Mother, he's actually been around nearly as long.One of the original Cat Dads was Chang Zhitao, a father from Shanghai who went head to head ina debate with Chua shortly after her book was published. Despite having vastly differentapproaches to parenting, both Chua and Chang had daughters who were accepted into HarvardUniversity.


          And as if the Tiger-Cat fight wasn't enough, there's also another animalistic parenting personacoming from China. Wolf Dad is even stricter than Tiger Mom and is epitomised by Xiao Baiyou, afather who believes that "beating kids is part of their upbringing."


          "Just as their names suggest, Cat Dad prefers a gentle approach to children's education, whileTiger Mom and Wolf Dad believe that education is a painful process," says Vincent Ni of BBCChinese. "It's been a long time since Chinese TV aired such a drama that captured the twoseemingly conflicting education philosophies so well. While closely following the drama, Chineseaudiences also took to social media to discuss, share and voice their different opinions of the wayto raise kids."

          BBC 中文网的文森特•倪说:“从名字可以看出来,猫爸更喜欢采取温和的方式来教育孩子,而虎妈与狼爸则坚信教育孩子是个痛苦的过程。中国电视界很久没出过这么 一部电视剧了,这部剧很好地抓住了这两个看似冲突的育儿理念。在紧追这部剧的同时,中国观众也在社交媒体上讨论、分享和表达各自不同的育儿方式。”

          More than 80m people tuned into "Tiger Mom Cat Dad" and the series finale attracted tens ofthousands of comments on Weibo. Some defended Cat Dad: "I think there is too much bullyinggoing on in their household. It's completely disrespectful. There's no consideration whatsoevertowards the man," one user commented. Others saw the dad as a weak character who wasn'tcompatible with his wife: "I think the tiger mother and the cat dad should divorce," one viewerwrote. "I really hope a wolf dad and tiger mother can be together. This type of 'warm man' (CatDad) is a not real man."

          超过八千万观众收看了《虎妈猫爸》,该电视剧的大结局也在微博上吸引了数以万计的评论。一些人在评论中为猫爸辩护,一位用户说道:“我觉得他们家太霸道了, 毫无尊重可言。对男性的想法几乎没有任何考虑。”另一些人则认为剧中的父亲性格脆弱,配不上他的妻子,一位观众评论说:“在我看来虎妈和猫爸应该离婚。我 真希望狼爸与虎妈能在一起。这种‘暖男’(猫爸)不算大丈夫。”

          Tong Dawei, the actor who plays the Cat Dad in the TV show, posted an image of himself and hisdaughter to his personal Weibo account with the tongue-in-cheek caption: "Mum went out whenthe water pipes were broken. Daddy held back his tears and mended it before she came back." Itgot a huge reaction - over 63,000 likes and 5,000 comments - including the remark "As a man, Icould in no way be like the 'Cat Dad'" - proof that even when life imitates art, being a Cat Dad stillhasn't really caught on inChina.

          佟大为在该剧中饰演猫爸,他在微博上放了一张自己与女儿的照片,并配上一句半开玩笑的话:“妈妈出门坏了的水管,爸比含着泪也要在她回来前修好。”这条微博的反响巨大——有6.3万个赞和五千多条评论,其中一条说:“作 为男人,我绝不会像这位‘猫爸’那样”,这说明,就算生活效仿艺术,可在中国,猫爸仍不能真正被接受。


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