





[原创] A letter to a friend

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-4-10 16:40| 查看数: 9469| 评论数: 2|

<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Hi, Neal,</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Sending cell phone message takes too much time. Hehe... So I decide to write more by e-mail.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>I find there are too many things to do at my leisure. Singing, playing keyboard, watching new movies, going see the doctors for my stomach, swiming, shopping with Helen. Haha.... It's another busy life besides my work. Kind of funny.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4> </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Helen and I went to plant trees last Saturday with my colleagues. It's a company-arranged activity as a Spring outing. Tree holes were already digged when we arrived, so it only takes several munites to finish one tree. Then as arranged, we went to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables in the fields. And we also bought a pack of fresh non-polluted eggs (as the label says). Later, we played table tennis and badminton at its recreation center, which is fun and energy consuming.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4> </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>So what's your plan for the coming May holiday? Relax yourself at home and make more music? I'm getting tired of living a rutine life. So I'm planning a trip to somewhere, maybe to Singapore and Malaysia or maybe to somewhere in China. All my trips in the past have left wonderful memories to me, so I can't miss every opportunity to see something new and interesting. </FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Well, hope you're finding good ways to relax and enjoy your life in China. Don't work too hard. Life is not only work. Seeing the world can create more new ideas in your mind, can't it? Haha.... Cheers.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Take care my friend</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4> </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>James</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>2006/4/10</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>The above is one letter I just wrote to my friend. If possible, could you help make it look better? Hehe...<BR></FONT></STRONG>


LauraWang 发表于 2006-4-12 20:57:31
the article got some grammar problems.
1. going to be (verb)
2. all of the sentences should be past tense in the article
芥末膏 发表于 2006-4-14 11:41:13
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>LauraWang</I>在2006-4-12 20:57:31的发言:</B><BR>
the article got some grammar problems.
1. going to be (verb)
2. all of the sentences should be past tense in the article</DIV>
<STRONG><FONT color=#6d22dd size=4>Thanks, Laura.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#6d22dd size=4>Is your first question referring to <FONT color=#4822dd>"going see the doctors " ?</FONT></FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#4822dd size=4>I remember clearly there is a sentence structure as "go do something". For this structure, no need to add "to" between go and do. Am I right?</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#4822dd size=4>And I don't think using past tense for all sentences are proper. For instance, the following paragraph doesn't need to use past tense:</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4>Well, hope you're finding good ways to relax and enjoy your life in China. Don't work too hard. Life is not only work. Seeing the world can create more new ideas in your mind, can't it? Haha.... Cheers.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#421ae6 size=4>Do you think so? Thanks, anyway.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4></FONT></STRONG>

<STRONG><FONT color=#a93cc4 size=4></FONT></STRONG>
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