






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-6-17 08:09| 查看数: 849| 评论数: 0|

Soil samples collected by Greenpeace East Asia researchers near Asia’s largest zinc and lead mine and smelting plant, in Yunnan Province, show severe heavy metal contamination, the organization says. The findings, it has reported, highlight the environmental and health hazards as industries react to tighter pollution constraints in eastern China by expanding operations in less developed areas in the west.
绿色和平东亚分部(Greenpeace East Asia)研究人员前往云南省境内的亚洲最大铅锌矿和冶炼厂附近进行了土壤样本采集,据样本显示,土壤的重金属污染十分严重。据该组织的报告显示,面对中国东部地区日益严格的污染限制,工业企业在向西部欠发达地区扩张,造成了当地环境和健康危害。
In April, the researchers took samples of soil, household dust and river water in the town of Jinding, near the border with Myanmar, and sent them to an independent laboratory for testing. The results, released this week, show cadmium concentrations of up to 142 times the national health standard, and lead at eight times the standard, suggesting that the soil is not safe for growing food.
“Soil pollution is less visible than water and air pollution, so the public is often unaware of the problem,” Ada Kong, a senior campaigner for Greenpeace East Asia, said in an interview. “With little public attention, the government lacks incentives to share information on the soil situation in China.”
“土壤污染没有水污染和空气污染那么明显,所以大众通常都意识不到土壤污染这个问题,”绿色和平东亚分部的资深活动人士江卓珊(Ada Kong)在采访中表示。“公众关注度低,政府在国内土壤情况信息共享方面缺乏激励机制。”
In April 2014, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Land Resources released a report based on a national soil survey, which found that 16.1 percent of China’s soil, and 19.4 percent of its farmland, was polluted, mostly as a result of industrial and agricultural activities. The most common pollutants were cadmium, nickel and arsenic.
But Ms. Kong said that report lacked specific geographic information. “No names of the provinces or locations where they took samples were disclosed,” she said. “Some other organizations have requested more information about the study but have been turned down.”
The Greenpeace team also looked at household dust, which has received less scrutiny than soil. “China does not even have a national health standard or health regulations for pollutants in household dust,” Ms. Kong said.
“The lowest level of lead concentration we found was 1,576 micrograms per square meter” of floor space, she said. This is more than six times the level cited in a study published in Public Health Reports, a journal of the United States Public Health Service, at which children were eight times more likely than their peers to have a blood lead level of 10 micrograms per deciliter. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used to refer to that as a “level of concern,” but it now says there is no safe blood level in children.Levels of heavy metal in samples correlated with proximity to the smelting plant. “Lead, zinc and cadmium concentrations increased by 5 percent for every kilometer closer to the plant,” Ms. Kong said.
她说按住宅占地面计算,“我们发现的铅浓度水平最低的是每平方米1576微克,”她说。这是美国公共卫生局(Public Health Service)刊物《公共卫生报告》(Public Health Reports)的一篇研究中提到的浓度水平的六倍以上,而在那项研究中的浓度水平下生活的儿童,血铅含量达到每100毫升10微克的可能性是其他儿童的八倍。美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)曾经称那是“令人担忧的水平”,但现在他们认为并不存在儿童安全血浓度指标。样本中的重金属水平和冶炼厂的距离是相关的。“距工厂距离每拉近一公里,铅、锌、镉浓度会增加5%,”江卓珊说。
Household dust is a major vehicle for lead being absorbed by the human body, said Chen Nengchang, a scientist at the Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences.
“In children, it can impair learning ability and lead to behavior problems,” Mr. Chen said in an interview. “Lead in blood can be dispersed rather quickly, but some of the lead can accumulate in brain tissues and bones, where it can remain for a very long time.”
The lead and zinc mine and smelting plant, which began operations in 2003, are owned by Yunnan Jinding Zinc. The Greenpeace report is not the first time that the company has been accused of polluting surrounding areas.
Records compiled by the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, a nonprofit organization based in Beijing that monitors corporate environmental performance, show that the Nujiang Prefecture Environmental Department and the Yunnan Environmental Protection Bureau cited the company as in violation of environmental regulations in 2009, 2011 and 2014.
One document shows that in 2009, the company was fined 600,000 renminbi, nearly $100,000 at the current exchange rate, for disposing of wastewater containing cadmium levels 887 times the national health standard into the nearby Bijiang River.
Local residents appear well aware of the health risks.
“You can see layers of black dust on your furniture all the time,” said Li Zhouping, 24, who lives with his family in Maigandian, a village about 100 meters, or around 330 feet, from the smelting plant.
Greenpeace says that in 2010, the Lanping County health bureau conducted blood tests of children in Maigandian and found that 59 of 61 children had high levels of lead.
Mr. Li said that to protect his 3-month-old child’s health, he has been urging Yunnan Jinding Zinc to help the family move to a safer area.
“They promised us a relocation in 2006, but no action has been taken,” he said in an interview.
Last year, he said, he and other villagers went to the company’s offices to press their case.
“We went there around six or seven times,” he said. “They just told us they would hurry up, but nothing has been done.”
At a news conference in Beijing on Tuesday, at which the Greenpeace report was released, Ms. Kong said: “In 2013, the Lanping County government announced again a relocation plan and told villagers they would be relocated by the end of 2016. The villagers say, however, that they have yet to receive any more information on this.”
An official in the public information department of the Yunnan Environmental Protection Bureau reached by telephone declined to comment on the report’s findings or on allegations of environmental violations by Yunnan Jinding Zinc. A woman who answered the phone at the company said none of its executives were available to comment.


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