






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-7-30 15:06| 查看数: 622| 评论数: 0|

China’s interventions to stem its stock market turmoil should not derail its bid to gain reserve status for its currency, the International Monetary Fund managing director has said, predicting that the country’s economy is strong enough to withstand the equity ruckus.


Christine Lagarde endorsed Beijing’s efforts to calm its stock market, playing down the declines in Shanghai to date as she pointed out the market was still up 80 per cent on a year ago.

克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)对北京方面的股市护盘努力给予肯定,她淡化了上海股市近期下滑的重要性,指出其仍比一年前高出80%。

“We believe that the Chinese economy is resilient and strong enough to withstand that kind of significant variation in the markets,” she said in an online question and answer session.


China is seeking to gain admission for the renminbi to the IMF’s basket of currencies making up its special drawing rights, or SDRs. The SDRs are funds that member countries can draw on in a crisis, and the inclusion of the Chinese currency in the basket of elite currencies would be an endorsement of its efforts to open up its financial system and a boost to the country’s prestige.


The sell-off in Chinese shares in recent weeks has prompted official interventions, including bans on sales of large stakes and liquidity measures to prop up values, triggering questions about the country’s financial stability and commitment to liberalising markets.


Ms Lagarde said observers should not be surprised that the Chinese authorities wanted to avoid a “disorderly functioning” of these markets. “That is the duty of central authorities,” she said. “The fact that they want to maintain a level of liquidity that is commensurate with an orderly process is quite good.”


As to whether the episode would play in the IMF’s assessment of the SDR basket, Ms Lagarde said she did not think so, adding that while the fund would remain vigilant, it was “cognisant of the very significant reforms the Chinese authorities are implementing”.


Speaking at a separate event, Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, said China should accept that economic reforms are “disruptive” and should not allow stock market volatility to deter them.

在另一个场合,美国财政部长杰克•卢(Jack Lew)在发表讲话时表示,中国应当接受经济改革是“破坏性的”,不应该被股市波动吓倒。

“One of the realities in a market economy is that markets go up and markets go down,” Mr Lew said in Washington. “So I think you have to separate the fact that markets can be volatile, and move, from what the policies are.”


“The serious question that I think comes out of [recent events] is what does it mean in terms of China’s resolve to continue with the reform programme?” he said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast.

“我认为,(近期事件)引发的一个严肃问题是:就中国继续推行改革计划的决心而言,它意味着什么?”他在《基督教科学箴言报》(Christian Science Monitor)的一个早餐会上表示。

“I hope for the sake of China’s economy and the world economy that they stick to the reform agenda.” Repeating a long-held US view, he said that to get on a “good, solid path” to growth China needed to continue moving away from a centralised, industrial economy to one driven by consumers and competition.


“That’s going to mean change. That kind of change is going to be disruptive,” he said. “We’ve encouraged that process to be speeded up . . . There’s a risk that if they wait too long, they miss some of that opportunity.”


Asked about Greece, Ms Lagarde reiterated the IMF’s position that some debt restructuring would inevitably be needed as part of the country’s turnround efforts.



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