






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-9-16 13:09| 查看数: 764| 评论数: 1|


苹果(Apple)预计,其新推出的iPhone 6S在首个周末的销量将超过去年新款iPhone首发后的1000万部。此前,该公司发现自上周六以来的预购订单数据“非常强劲”。

expects first-weekend sales of its new iPhone 6S will exceed last year’s debut of 10m units, after seeing “very strong” pre-orders since Saturday, writes Tim Bradshaw in San Francisco.

该公司表示,体型更大的iPhone 6S Plus在网上已经脱销,在中国的需求尤为强劲。

The company said the larger iPhone 6S Plus had already sold out online, with demand particularly strong in China.


Apple shares tumbled nearly 22 per cent over the summer on concerns about the iPhone’s growth outlook amid economic uncertainty in China. But they opened 2.3 per cent higher yesterday as investors cheered the sales forecast.

苹果表示:“客户对iPhone 6S和iPhone 6S Plus的反应一直非常积极,上周末全球的预购订单数表现都非常强劲。按目前趋势,新款iPhone在9月25日上架销售时,我们将超过去年首发周末1000万部的销售记录。”

“Customer response to iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus has been extremely positive and pre-orders this weekend were very strong around the world,” Apple said. “We are on pace to beat last year’s 10m unit first-weekend record when the new iPhones go on sale September 25.”


Apple declined to put a figure on how many of the latest iPhones had been ordered ahead of their release.

去年,苹果曾表示已收到400万对iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus的预购订单。这两款iPhone的屏幕比之前的型号大。分析师曾预计,对iPhone 6S的预购订单数为500万,部分原因是由于该公司在12个国家开展了早期销售,超过了去年的10个国家。

Last year, Apple said it had received 4m pre-orders for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, which had larger screens than their predecessors. Analysts had predicted 5m pre-orders for the 6S, in part because it went on early sale in 12 countries, compared with 10 last year.


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