






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-9-21 13:54| 查看数: 707| 评论数: 0|

Germany’s coalition government has split publicly over how to respond to Europe’s migrant crisis after its conservative interior minister proposed sending back refugees to countries bordering their war-torn homelands.


Thomas de Maiziere, whose handling of a massive influx of asylum seekers has prompted widespread domestic criticism, suggested that the EU should set an overall cap beyond which refugees would be sent back to the region of origin. But the idea was swiftly shot down by social democrat deputy chancellor Sigmar Gabriel as unconstitutional and contrary to government policy.

德国内政部长托马斯•德•迈齐埃(Thomas de Maiziere)应对寻求庇护者大量涌入的措施招致了国内的广泛批评。他建议欧盟应设置总量限制,超出上限的难民将被遣返原籍所在地区。但这一构想很快被社民党副总理西格马尔•加布里尔(Sigmar Gabriel)斥为违宪,而且违反政府政策。

The split came as John Kerry, US secretary of state, announced in Berlin that the US would raise to 100,000, from 70,000 currently, the number of worldwide refugees it accepts annually by 2017. Most of the additional number would be from Syria.

在这些分歧公开之际,美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)在柏林宣布,到2017年,美国将把每年接收世界范围内难民的上限从现在的7万人增至10万人。大部分增加的名额将用于接收叙利亚难民。

Asked after talks on the issue with German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier why the US would not take more of the hundreds of thousands pouring into Europe, Mr Kerry blamed security screening requirements and lack of funds approved by Congress.

克里与德国外长弗兰克-瓦尔特•施泰因迈尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)就难民问题进行了磋商。之后,在被问及为何美国不愿接收涌入欧洲的数十万难民中的更多人时,克里将此归咎于安全审查要求以及缺乏美国国会批准的资金。

The coalition spat highlighted German leaders’ struggle to balance chancellor Angela Merkel’s pledge to welcome more refugees than ever before, with the country’s capacity to cope with the tens of thousands arriving at its frontiers every week. Berlin expects to receive 1m asylum seekers in 2015.

联合政府的内部分歧突显了德国领导人正疲于平衡德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)做出的比以往任何时候欢迎更多难民的承诺与该国每周接收数万到达其边境的难民的能力之间的矛盾。柏林预计在2015年接收100万名寻求庇护者。

Last week Germany reimposed controls at its southern border and the head of its refugee and migrants agency resigned. Berlin will tomorrow push other EU countries — some against their will — to share out 160,000 asylum-seekers currently in Greece and Italy.



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