





你每天都花钱吗?看看 Pay 的10种用法你知道几个?

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2015-9-30 12:12| 查看数: 976| 评论数: 0|




PAYpast tense: paidperfect present: paid“ What is "pay"? You probably need to pay for something every day, but perhaps you are not sure how to use the word"pay". It's not just giving money to others, and it's not as sad as it might sounds. Now, have a look at this:

Pay someone a visit(拜访) If you pay someone a visit bring a gift.

Pay someone a compliment(称赞)You must like her you never pay someone a compliment.

Pay your respect(尊重) He died and I wanted to pay my respect, I loved that fish.

Pay attention(注意) Make sure you pay attention in class.

Pay the price(付钱) If you want a house in Beijing be prepared to pay the price.

Pay cash(付现金) Can I pay cash?

Pay by credit card(刷卡) I didn’t have any cash so I paid by credit card

Pay interest(付利息) I have to pay interest on my loan.

Pay the bill(埋单) I paid last time, you pay the bill this time.

Pay a fine(缴罚款) I had to pay a fine for being late.Let’s

review:1. Pay someone a visit(拜访)2. Pay someone a compliment(称赞)3. Pay respect(尊重)4. Pay attention(注意)5. Pay the price(付钱)6. Pay cash(付现金)7. Pay by credit card(刷卡)8. Pay interest(付利息)9. Pay the bill(埋单)10. Pay a fine(缴罚款)

It is important to learn collocations, because they are important for the naturalisation of your speech. They also broaden a person’s scope for expression.





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