






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-10-15 08:38| 查看数: 759| 评论数: 0|

How long can a country that represents less than 5 per cent of the world’s population and 22 per cent of the global economy, remain the world’s dominant military and


political power? That question is being asked with increasing urgency in the Middle East, eastern Europe and the Pacific Ocean.


Since the cold war ended, the overwhelming power of the US military has been the central fact of global politics. Now, in three crucial regions, that power is being tested — as America’s rivals test its resolve and the US considers when and whether to push back.


Consider three stories that appeared in the Financial Times last week. Story one: “US warns Moscow not to escalate military operation in Syria”. Story two: “US warships to challenge Chinese claims in South China Sea ”. Story three was that Britain had agreed to join the US and Germany in posting troops to the Baltic states.


These events are taking place in different parts of the world — but they are connected. It is US military might that guarantees borders all over the world. In the Middle East the US has giant naval and airbases, which are there to reassure friends and to intimidate rivals. In east Asia, the US navy has grown used to treating the Pacific as an “American lake”, guaranteeing freedom of navigation and providing reassurance to its allies. In Europe, Nato guarantees the territorial integrity of its member states — and the US accounts for 75 per cent of Nato’s military spending.


But things are changing. Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war has underlined the extent to which the US has lost control of the Middle East, following the upheavals of the Arab spring and America’s withdrawal of troops from Iraq. With the US reluctant to put boots on the ground in the Middle East again, Moscow noted a power vacuum and has moved to fill it. By firing cruise missiles into Syria, the Russians even staged a mocking emulation of previous US military interventions in the region.


In Europe, Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine last year represented the first forcible annexation of territory on the continent since the end of the second world war. Unsurprisingly, the Baltic states, which were once part of the Soviet Union, are very worried by the precedent — hence Nato’s decision to


reinforce its military presence there.

这三起争端无不提醒人们,尽管“无国界世界”的话题一度流行,但对领土的控制仍是世界政治的根本。正如前英国外交官罗伯特•库珀爵士(Sir Robert Cooper)所说:“世界秩序就是领土秩序。如果你不知道领土为谁所有,你就对国际秩序一无所知。”布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的托马斯•赖特(Thomas Wright)发表了类似观点,他认为国际政治稳定依赖于“健康的地区秩序,尤其是欧洲和东亚的地区秩序。如果这些地区分崩离析,全球秩序就再也无法维护。”

In Asia, China’s island-building programme in the South China Sea has taken shape in the past year, transforming Beijing’s theoretical claim to territorial waters thousands of miles from its coast into something that is (literally) more concrete. America says it takes no position on China’s territorial disputes with its neighbours but that it is determined to protect freedom of navigation in the Pacific. Hence the US Navy’s apparent decision to challenge the idea that China has established territorial waters around its new artificial islands.


All three disputes are a reminder

巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)领导的政府在国内外都面临很大压力,要求其通过更强有力地回应这些领土挑战来恢复美国实力强大的形象。派遣军舰通过中国宣称拥有主权的海域以及向波罗的海部署军队的决定就是在此种压力下做出的回应。但奥巴马仍然很清楚,美国近期在伊拉克和利比亚的军事干预可能会造成反效果,同时他也对与俄罗斯或中国军事对抗的风险保持适度谨慎。

that, despite voguish talk of a “borderless world”, the control of territory is still fundamental to world politics. As Sir Robert Cooper, a former British diplomat puts it: “World orders are territorial orders. If you don’t know who owns territory, you don’t know anything about international order.” Thomas Wright of the Brookings Institution makes a similar point when he argues that international political stability is dependent on “healthy regional orders, especially in Europe and east Asia. If these regions fall apart, nothing will save the global order.”


Europe and east Asia are not “falling apart” but they are fraying at the edges. Meanwhile, the vision of a Middle East that really is falling apart is further unsettling both Europe and Asia by


raising questions about US power and the durability of international borders. Even some American strategists who have long argued the US should “rebalance” its foreign policy towards Asia and do less in the Middle East are now having second thoughts, believing that


a perception of US retreat in the Middle East is undermining US prestige in Asia.


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