






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-11-19 08:37| 查看数: 704| 评论数: 1|

Japan is poised to hit its tourism target of 20m inbound visitors five years ahead of schedule, according to a leading industry figure, thanks mainly to the weakness of the yen, a boom in Asian cruises and a surge in Chinese shoppers.


Hideo Sawada, chief executive of HIS, Japan’s largest low-cost package tour company, said Chinese travellers appeared to have shrugged off the effects of a domestic slowdown and would continue arriving in robust numbers, unless China’s economy suffered a more dramatic crash.

日本最大低价旅行社HIS首席执行官Hideo Sawada表示,中国游客似乎没有理会国内经济放缓的影响,中国游客数量将继续稳健增长,除非中国经济遭遇更大规模冲击。

Inbound visitor numbers have been rising rapidly, from 8.4m in 2012 to more than 13.4m in 2014 — and by September this year the total had exceeded 14.4m.


This inbound tourism boom has already clogged the centres of major Japanese cities with tour buses and prompted hundreds of retailers to employ Chinese-speaking staff.


Mr Sawada,suggested cheaper travel had made Japan an attractive destination.

Hideo Sawada表示,更为廉价的旅游费用让日本成为一个吸引人的旅游目的地。

However, while waves of foreign visitors are discovering the delights of Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, Japan’s once formidable globetrotters are reining in their ambitions as a weaker yen, ageing demographics and “destination anxiety” about the safety of other cities take their toll. In a historic turning point, 2015 is likely to be the first year since 1971 that Japanese outbound journeys are outnumbered by foreign arrivals.


This trend is unlikely to be reversed. Under the “Abenomics” economic policies of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the government relaxed its visitor visa rules to help reach a target of 20m annual visitors by 2020 — the year Tokyo is due to host the Olympic Games.

这种趋势不太可能逆转。根据日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的“安倍经济学”,日本政府放松了旅游签证规定,以帮助实现到2020年达到每年2000万游客的目标,届时,东京将承办奥运会。

Although Mr Sawada is confident that HIS will continue to benefit from the inbound boom, he identified an urgent need for innovation as Japanese travelling tastes change. He has predicted that mundane hotel functions will be increasingly performed by robots, as at his hotel, and is considering a move into the cruise industry.

尽管Hideo Sawada相信,HIS将继续受益于入境旅游热潮,但他指出,随着日本旅游品味的改变,亟需创新。他预测,机器人将越来越多地履行单调的酒店功能,就像在他的酒店那样,此外他正考虑进军游轮行业。


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