






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2015-12-3 15:10| 查看数: 702| 评论数: 1|

Mein Kampf, in which Adolf Hitler set out the anti-Semitic and racist ideology behind his Nazi regime, is to be published in Germany next month for the first time since the end of the second world war, reigniting debate over one of most controversial texts ever written.

德国下月将在二战结束后首次出版《我的奋斗》(Mein Kampf),阿道夫•希特勒(Adolf Hitler)在这本书中提出了支撑其纳粹政权的反犹太主义和种族主义的意识形态。出版该书将重燃围绕这本史上最具争议的书籍之一的辩论。

Publication of a scholarly version of the book, with the original text accompanied by voluminous academic notes, has been mostly welcomed by historians, although Jewish opinion has been divided.


German justice ministers have pledged to ensure that general public access to the text remains limited for fear of stirring neo-Nazi sentiment.


Aware of the sensitivities involved, the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, which will publish the new edition, insisted it was bringing out an “academic work” far removed from any “irresponsible” uncritical publications that are widely available in second-hand bookshops.

由于意识到其中的敏感性,该书新版的出版方、位于慕尼黑的德国当代史研究所(Institute of Contemporary History)坚称,他们将推出一本“学术作品”,完全不同于那种在二手书店里随处可见的“不负责任的”不加批判的出版物。

“I think our edition is there to challenge these editions,” Andreas Wirsching, the institute’s director, said on Tuesday. Up to 4,000 copies of the new 2,000 page version will be printed, complete with more than 3,500 academic notes.

“我认为,我们的版本将挑战那些版本,”该所所长安德里亚斯•维尔申(Andreas Wirsching)周二表示。新版《我的奋斗》有2000页,将印刷至多4000册,书中的学术注释超过3500处。


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