





[双语] 世界这一年The world this year

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-1-2 10:01| 查看数: 867| 评论数: 1|

“伊斯兰国”(英语:Islamic State,缩写:IS),前称“伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国”,阿拉伯国家和部分西方国家称为“达伊沙”(DAESH),是一个自称建国的活跃在伊拉克和叙利亚的极端恐怖组织。2003年以前以“基地”组织伊拉克分支的名义开展活动。

Dec 19th 2015 | From the print edition


Islamic State extended its bloody reach far beyond its base in Iraq and Syria. The group's barbarity was unrelenting. Gruesome propaganda included the burning alive in a cage of a Jordanian pilot whom IS had captured, the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya and the murder of the 82-year-old head of antiquities at Palmyra, a heritage site in Syria that was looted by IS.


Western governments felt compelled to counter the threat, especially after IS claimedresponsibility for an assault on Paris in which gunmen mowed down people in restaurants and bars and at a rock concert, killing 130 and injuring hundreds. PresidentFran?0?4ois Hollande declared that France was at war with IS.


After claiming that a Russian airliner had been bombed by IS affiliates in Egypt, Russia sent fighter jets to Syria, ostensibly to bomb IS. Most of its firepower, however, was directed at other opponents of the Syrian despot, Bashar al-Assad, a client of Vladimir Putin. In California 14 people were killed by a married couple inspired by IS. In December Barack Obama claimed that the American-led coalition was hitting IS hard, curtailing its operations in Iraq and Syria.


Turkey alsoentered the fray, after a student gathering was bombed in a town near the Syrian border. But Turkey also targeted the Kurdish PKK. Suicide-bombers in Ankara attacked a peace rally that called for an end to Turkey's actions against the Kurds, killing 102 people. The chaos only strengthened the hand of the ruling Justice and Development party, which won an election in November.


Je suis Charlie


Other atrocities committed by jihadists included the killing of 148 people at Garissa University in Kenya, which the Shabab in next-door Somalia said it had carried out. A lone gunman slaughtered 38 tourists, most British, on a beach in Tunisia; three months earlier 22 people were killed at a museum in Tunis. In early January gunmen stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, killing 12. That attack prompted millions to protest worldwide in defence of free speech. But in some Muslim countries mass rallies were held denouncing the magazine for publishing cartoons of Muhammad the Prophet.


Around half of the hundreds of thousands of people who streamed into Europe in the continent's worst refugee crisis since the Balkan wars came from Syria. The image of a three-year-old Syrian boy found drowned on a Turkish beach caused widespread outrage. Several summits were held to try to resolve the crisis. Germany threw open its borders and is on course to accept more than 1m asylum-seekers this year.



China's stockmarkets plunged during the summer, sending out global ripples. China's ham-fisted attempts to stop the sell-off, such as directing large state investors (“the national team”) to buy shares, did nothing to calm nerves. Nor did a sudden devaluation of the yuan. The whole episode raised perturbing questions about the state of China's slowing economy and the competence of its regulators.


The total value of announced takeovers in 2015 passed $4.3 trillion, breaking a record set in 2007. Pfizer's $160 billion purchase of Allergan, Dow Chemical's $130 billion merger with DuPont and Anheuser-Busch InBev's $110 billion acquisition of SAB Miller were three of the biggest in history. Other deals included Shell/BG Group ($70 billion), Charter Communications/Time Warner Cable ($55 billion), Anthem/Cigna ($52 billion) and Heinz/Kraft ($50 billion).


The tech industry passed several milestones. Dell's $67 billion takeover of EMC was the biggest to date. Facebook set a new record when one billion people logged onto the socialnetwork in a single day. But there were fears that the heady valuations of many private tech startups, also known as “unicorns”, might turn out to be another bubble.


It was a dismal year for Volkswagen. A boardroom spat at the German carmaker led to the resignation of Ferdinand Pi?0?5ch as chairman. VW was then embroiled in crisis in the autumn after admitting it had installed software on diesel cars that cheated emissions tests in America.


The president of everybody


VW's wrongdoing came to light because of an American investigation. America also brought another institution based in Europe to task when it laid corruption charges against several officials at FIFA, football's world governing body. Football fans cheered when Sepp Blatter at last stepped down as FIFA's president.


A UN summit on climate change, held in Paris, produced an agreement that aims to hold the increase in the global average temperature to “well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels”, a more ambitious goal than had been expected. It marked an unprecedented political recognition of the risks of global warming, though some greens were sceptical that governments would follow through.


Gay marriage took two giant steps forward. It became legal everywhere in America when the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution grants an “equal dignity” to gay couples. And Ireland became the first country to approve gay marriage by a popular vote.


Two big elections in Latin America suggested that the continent's “pink tide” was turning. In Argentina Mauricio Macri was elected president, beating the candidate favoured by the departing Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and bringing an end to 12 years of populist rule by the Kirchner family. In Venezuela, voters fed up with years of economic mismanagement rejected the party of President Nicolás Maduro in a parliamentary election.


A career-defining election



Britain's general election confounded the pollsters when the Conservative Party, which had governed in coalition with the Liberal Democrats for five years, secured its first overall majority in Parliament since 1992. The Lib Dems were reduced to a handful of MPs, whereas nationalists won all but three seats in Scotland. The opposition Labour Party went into self-destruct mode after the election by choosing Jeremy Corbyn, a leftist, as its new leader.


The polls also got it wrong in Canada, where the Conservative Party was chucked out of office and a new Liberal government, headed by Justin Trudeau, was voted in. In Israel Binyamin Netanyahu wrong-footed the pundits when he was returned to power as prime minister. The Law and Justice Party, a group of xenophobic populists and conspiracy theorists, won two elections in Poland.


Nigeria elected a new president, Muhammadu Buhari, who defeated an incompetent incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan. Malcolm Turnbull became Australia's fourth prime minister in five years, when Tony Abbott was ousted by his Liberal Party.


An election in January brought the far-left Syriza party to power in Greece. It went on to win a referendum in July that rejected austerity imposed by the IMF and EU. But withmarkets jittery, and trading on the Athens stock exchange suspended for five weeks, Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister, was eventually forced to agree to another bail-out, much to the disgust of his more radical colleagues. Weary Greeks trudged to the polls for a third time in September and re-elected Mr Tsipras. With the euro zone still in the doldrums, the European Central Bank introduced a huge quantitative-easing programme in January.


After years of talks, Iran and six world powers reached a deal on Iran's nuclear programme. Some hailed it as a chance for Iran to come out of the cold. Others, notably Israel, said the deal was a mistake that would allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and throw its weight around.


Dilma Rousseff had a terrible start to her second term as Brazil's president. A corruption scandal involving Petrobras, a state-controlled oil firm, ensnared members of her Workers' Party. The opposition threatened to impeach her because of allegedly illegal funding arrangements for the government. The economy shrank by 4.5% in the third quarter.


Russia's economy stumbled. The IMF expects Russian GDP to contract by 3.8% this year and 0.6% in 2016. The country has been hammered by falling oil prices. Brent crude started the year trading at just under $60 a barrel; it is now below $38. Russia has also been hurt by sanctions in response to its military meddling in eastern Ukraine, though the fighting eased after a ceasefire was signed in February.


Nepal was struck by an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 in April, the worst in the Himalayan country in 80 years. The death toll of 9,000 was the highest from a natural disaster since the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.



Myanmar held its first freely contested election since 1990. The National League for Democracy, headed by Aung San Suu Kyi, trounced the party of the ruling junta. Cuba and the United States restored full diplomatic relations, which had been put in the deep freeze during the cold war. Travel restrictions were eased. America hopes its engagement with the Castro regime will push the island towards democracy.


He'd like to build a great wall


America's presidential candidates started their campaigns. Hillary Clinton wobbled under pressure about her use of an insecure private server for official e-mail, but remains the Democratic front-runner. The Republican establishment was unpleasantly surprised when Donald Trump soared into the lead in the party's race, despite badmouthing women, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. The primaries start in February. Paul Ryan became (somewhat reluctantly) Speaker of the House following the defenestration of John Boehner.


America suffered several mass shootings. In one, in Charleston, South Carolina, nine people at a black church were gunned down by a white supremacist. Elsewhere the police were berated for their excessive use of force. The worst riots in Baltimore since the 1960s were triggered by the death of a black man in police custody.


The aviation industry introduced rules ensuring at least two crew members remain in the cockpit during a flight, after a suicidal co-pilot deliberately crashed a German airliner into the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board.



After a nine-and-a-half-year wait, the New Horizons space probe whizzed past Pluto at 14km per second (31,000mph). It took remarkable pictures that are only now filtering back to Earth, such as the ice-covered al-Idrisi mountains.


Social media roared with indignation when Cecil the Lion was killed in a Zimbabwean national park by a dentist from Minnesota. Although the dentist had a permit, close to 1.5m people have signed a petition calling for him to face justice without anaesthetic.



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