






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-1-12 15:52| 查看数: 940| 评论数: 0|

A year after the terrorist attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the mood in France is a mixture of resilience, uncertainty and growing internal division.

在讽刺漫画杂志《查理周刊》(Charlie Hebdo)编辑部遭遇恐怖袭击一年后,法国全国的情绪夹杂着坚韧、不确定以及日益扩大的内部分裂。

The murder of 12 people at the magazine and four people at a Jewish supermarket two days later presaged the slaughter carried out in Paris on November 13 by terrorists claiming allegiance to the militant Islamists of Isis.


The sense of threat lingers, with heavily armed soldiers and police patrolling the streets of the capital and other big cities.


France is at war and must be prepared for the possibility, if not probability, of further attacks, as President François Hollande warned in his traditional New Year address.

正如法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)在传统的新年致辞中所警告的那样,法国正处于战争状态,必须为遭受进一步袭击的可能性(就算不是大概率事件)做好准备。

Yet the terrorists have failed. If resistance means going to cafés, bars and restaurants and attending concerts, after a week or so of disarray, then life goes on, albeit with fewer Japanese and Americans tourists. The French have chosen to live as though they are not potential targets of further attacks.


If the goal of the terrorists was to divide the French people and to encourage support for the far-right National Front while pushing the large Muslim minority into the arms of radical fundamentalists, they failed in that too.

如果恐怖分子的目标是分裂法国人、促使人们支持极右翼的国民阵线(National Front),同时把人数众多的穆斯林少数族裔推向激进原教旨主义者的怀抱,那么他们也失败了。

Polls show strong support for military action in the Middle East and the Sahel, and indeed many voters are proud of their country’s renewed international clout. They are persuaded by Mr Hollande’s assertion that the fight against terrorism cannot be won on the home front alone.


Despite this resilience, some difficult questions remain to be answered. Were the murdered journalists provided with sufficient protection, given the number of threats made against them?


Why were the intelligence services taken by surprise in January and again in November? Is the French state strong enough to confront the threat of terrorism effectively now that it appears to be one of the principal targets of Isis in Europe?


A strong state is not one that violates its fundamental values in the name of security. The country that invented human rights cannot be seen to flout the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — a document that it helped to inspire.

一个强大的国家,不会以安全的名义去违背自己的根本价值观。最先提出人权的国家不能公然蔑视当初它给予灵感的《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。

Yet, with the government’s proposal to strip French citizenship from dual nationals convicted of terrorist offences, France risks doing just that.


This step will not act as a deterrent against terrorism: anyone willing to blow themselves up will care little about losing their French passport. Worse, the plan evokes, however faintly, the measures taken during the second world war by the Vichy regime against French citizens of Jewish origin.


The effectiveness of France’s interventionist foreign policy stance is also unclear. It is doubtful that bombing Isis forces in Iraq and Syria makes a real difference unless it is accompanied by the use of competent regional forces on the ground.


Beneath these uncertainties lie cultural and social fractures that run deep in France and may have grown deeper in the past year.


The slogan proudly adopted by millions last January was “Je suis Charlie” — but by no means everyone in France is Charlie.

去年1月,数百万人曾高喊“我是查理”(Je suis Charlie)的口号,但是这绝不意味着现在每个法国人都是查理。

The cover of the “anniversary” issue of Charlie Hebdo, published this week, which depicts God as an “assassin still at large”, will do little to assuage those who believe the magazine to be gratuitously offensive.


More seriously, if France wants to continue to present itself to the world as the country of liberty, equality and fraternity — and it should probably add “security” if it is serious about protecting the democratic nature of the French republic — those in charge have to answer fundamental questions.


The most important of these concerns the progress that the authorities have made in trying to regain control of the republic’s lost territories — these are the deprived suburbs of France’s biggest cities where young people, enmeshed in crime, drugs and violence, have become the foot soldiers of jihad.


In order for France to remain resilient, it needs to offer a vision of progress for all its citizens and not simply to react to attacks and provocation in knee-jerk fashion.



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