






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-1-22 09:22| 查看数: 961| 评论数: 0|

China’s slowing economy and the turmoil on its stock and foreign exchange markets have reverberated around the world and constitute one of the biggest threats to growth in other emerging markets in 2016.


But in Ethiopia, one of the many beneficiaries of Chinese trade and investment, officials remain unfazed.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ethiopia’s foreign minister, says he is confident that Chinese investors still consider Ethiopia a “target country” for manufacturing operations overseas, as wages rise across Asia.

埃塞俄比亚外交部长泰德斯•奥德汉姆•戈巴耶思(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)表示,他相信,随着亚洲各国薪资上涨,中国投资者仍会将埃塞俄比亚视为海外制造业务的“目标国”。

“I expect even more foreign direct investment flow from China. There is a strong interest to migrate manufacturing to Ethiopia,” Mr Ghebreyesus told the Financial Times.


Wages in Ethiopia are about a quarter of those in China’s and half of Vietnam’s. Ethiopia also benefits from duty-free access to the US market for many goods through the US Africa Growth and Opportunity Act.

埃塞俄比亚的薪资是中国水平的四分之一左右,是越南的一半。埃塞俄比亚还受益于这一事实:根据美国《非洲增长与机会法》(African Growth and Opportunity Act),该国很多产品可免税进入美国市场。

In October, the IMF cut its 2016 growth forecast for Africa to 3.75 per cent on the back of weak commodities prices and China’s falling growth figures.


Ethiopia’s forecasts, by contrast, are holding at above 8 per cent through 2015 and into 2016.


Across Africa, the relationship with China — which surpassed the US to become the region’s top trade partner in 2009 — has been one of the drivers of an economic boom over the past decade.


Ethiopia’s semi-authoritarian government has made turning the country into a hub for light manufacturing a key priority. That strategy is bearing fruit: industrial output grew by 21.2 per cent between 2013 and 2014, and now accounts for some 14 per cent of GDP.


The Ethiopian government has set itself a target of $1bn in textile exports by 2016. Attracting Chinese companies will be key. Between 2003 and Q3 2015, 11 of the 15 projects China has invested in Ethiopia have been in manufacturing, according to fDi Markets, a data service from the Financial Times.

埃塞俄比亚政府设定的目标是到2016年纺织品出口额达到10亿美元。吸引中国企业将是关键。根据英国《金融时报》数据服务机构fDi Markets的数据,2003年至2015年第三季度,中国在埃塞俄比亚投资的15个项目中,有11个是在制造业。

Major retailers have taken note. Swedish clothing powerhouse H&M announced in August that it would begin sourcing products from Ethiopian factories, following similar initiatives by the likes of Tesco and Walmart.


The Ethiopian government is putting money behind its bid for industrialisation and plans to continue to do so at pace, despite headwinds in the global economy, according to the minister.


“We are beginning a programme of massive infrastructure construction and special economic zone building so that we have the parts in place to attract these investments,” Mr Ghebreyesus says. “We have strong commitment from the Chinese government, and from Chinese companies.”


Industrialisation has proven difficult across much of the region, so African policymakers are watching the Ethiopian example with interest.


In 2014, officials at the Ethiopian Industrial Development Zones Corporation said it would put a $250m World Bank loan into expanding the Bole Lemi special economic zone (SEZ) outside Addis, the capital, as well as building an entirely new “industrial hub” at Kilinito some 30km south. At least another three SEZs are planned for other parts of the country in the coming few years, including one in Dire Dawa in the south-east.

2014年,埃塞俄比亚工业开发区公司(Ethiopian Industrial Development Zones Corporation)的高管表示,将把世界银行(World Bank)的2.5亿美元贷款用于开发该国首都亚的斯亚贝巴郊外的Bole Lemi经济特区,并在30公里以南的克里尼托(Kilinito)建设一个全新的“工业中心”。该国计划未来几年在国内其他地方至少再建设3个经济特区,包括东南部的德雷达瓦。

The question is whether China’s manufacturers will be making the jump across at the pace Ethiopia anticipated in years past. China’s FDI into greenfields projects in Africa fell sharply in the first half of 2015, according to fDi Markets.

问题是中国制造商是否会像埃塞俄比亚过去几年预期的那样迈出大步。fDi Markets的数据显示,去年上半年,中国对非洲新项目的直接投资大幅下滑。

According to Mr Ghebreyesus, any dip in China’s investment flows into the region will be temporary. “It will not last. The curve will go back up,” he says. “The difference will depend on SEZ construction.”


Results from the December Caixin survey mark the fifth month in a row that China’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index has remained below the 50-point mark that separates economic expansion from contraction.


According to analysts, however, Ethiopian officials’ optimism is not misplaced. As China’s demand for commodities slows, “Ethiopia should be more resilient than other commodity-exporting countries”, says Sarah Baynton-Glen, Africa economist at Standard Chartered.

然而,分析师们表示,埃塞俄比亚官员的乐观并非没有道理。渣打银行(Standard Chartered)非洲经济学家萨拉•贝恩顿-格伦(Sarah Baynton-Glen)表示,随着中国对大宗商品的需求放缓,“埃塞俄比亚的弹性应当会超过其他大宗商品出口国”。

Bucking trends across much of Africa for commodities-led growth, Ethiopia has emerged as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies on the back of strong growth in the services, agriculture and industrial sectors.


Investment is only a small part of the relationship. “A large part of involvement by China in Ethiopia is through project contracts — largely infrastructure projects — which we do not think are likely to drop off as a result of slower Chinese growth,” says Ms Baynton-Glen.


For the time being at least, plans for Ethiopia’s industrial transformation appear set to remain on track.



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