






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-3-7 14:25| 查看数: 885| 评论数: 0|

China’s carbon dioxide emissions are likely to peak by 2025 — and may even have done so already — according to a new paper that suggests the country’s economic slowdown and rapid adoption of renewable energy mean previous projections of China’s emissions peak are far too pessimistic.


“The major problem with current models of China’s emissions is that most of them do not pay attention to change in the structure and growth of China’s economic output,” said Fergus Green of the London School of Economics’ Grantham Research Institute, co-author with Lord Stern of the LSE paper to be published this week in the journal Climate Policy.

伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)格兰瑟姆研究所(Grantham Research Institute)的弗格斯•格林(Fergus Green)表示:“现有研究中国碳排放的模型的主要问题在于,它们大多数没有注意到中国的经济产出的结构和增长的变化。”这份报告由格林与斯特恩勋爵(Lord Stern)共同完成,将于本周发表在《气候政策》(Climate Policy)刊物上。

The study assumes that under a “high growth scenario”, annual economic growth will be just 6 per cent rate for the coming decade — compared with an average of more than 10 per cent in the first decade of this century.


With the slowdown accompanied by a government-planned economic transition from carbon-intensive heavy industry to services, the authors expect this structural shift means a decline of at least 4 per cent in the country’s energy intensity over the next decade.


They believe this means primary energy consumption growth will slow to only 1.8 per cent a year or less between now and 2025, compared with an annual rate of more than 8 per cent between 2000 and 2013.


At the same time, China’s energy will increasingly come from non-fossil sources, the report says. The researchers believe the government's target to derive 15 per cent of primary energy from non-fossil sources by 2020 “is likely to be significantly beaten”.


The study is not the first to suggest carbon cuts are happening already. Last month the government released figures suggesting emissions from fossil fuels and cement had fallen in 2015, according to analysis from Greenpeace.


Sector-specific targets for renewable energy generation are set as absolute outputs, rather than as shares of total energy consumption. This means coal could be squeezed out faster if total energy consumption is lower than expected. China’s energy planning agencies aim to produce 200-300 gigawatts of wind and 150 gigawatts of solar energy by 2020. The US Energy Information Administration estimates that coal consumption stayed flat in 2014, and the National Bureau of Statistics states production fell by 3.3 per cent last year.

可再生能源发电的行业目标被设定为绝对产出,而非作为总能耗的一部分。这意味着,如果总能耗低于预期,煤炭将会被更快地挤出能源结构。中国能源规划机构的目标是,到2020年,使风电产能达到200至300千兆瓦,太阳能发电达到150千兆瓦。据美国能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)估计,2014年中国煤炭消费量未出现增长,而中国国家统计局(NBS)的数据显示,去年中国的煤炭产量下降了3.3%。

There are risks on the path to lower emissions. Provincial governments may be tempted by the short-term growth boons of building new coal plants. Coal plant building accelerated in 2014-15 “despite already enormous amounts of excess capacity”, says the report.


Whether such risks will be realised depends on the political clout of the coal enterprises and local governments dependent on coal. Last week the government estimated that 1.3m coal workers could be laid off due to reforms to shut unprofitable mines.


At its annual parliamentary session this weekend, China for the first time announced a cap on its projected energy consumption by 2020. It also set a new target of reducing energy intensity, or the amount of energy consumed per unit of gross dometic product, by 18 per cent in that period.


Many climate change researchers believe China’s emissions are already far lower than official estimates. The country surpassed its targets for reducing emissions intensity over the past five years, thanks to the economic slowdown and massive construction of hydropower dams.


The world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter said last year its emissions would peak around 2030. It had previously stood firm on not cutting its carbon emissions while its economy was still developing.



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