






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-3-24 15:58| 查看数: 2855| 评论数: 1|


2011年以来,山东庞某和其女儿非法购进25种儿童、成人用二类疫苗,未经严格冷链存储运输(not transported and stored properly in approved condition)。这些问题疫苗(problematic vaccines)流入全国24个省市,涉案金额高达5.7亿元。

On Monday, the food and drug administration of Shandong province made public a list of problematic vaccines illegally sold in at least 24 provincial areas since 2011. Those vaccines are worth more than 570 million yuan. Though produced by qualified manufacturers, the vaccines were not transported in approved conditions.


Premier Li Keqiang said there will be no leniency for anyone involved in a vaccine scandal that has shocked the nation and ignited wide public concern about vaccine safety. Li pledged on Tuesday to punish officials who are proven to have been derelict in their duty in the distribution of the possibly ineffective vaccines, according to the State Council website. Investigations into the matter are continuing.



WHO is aware of reports of vaccines being purchased by a private family and resold to hospitals and clinics. Chinese authorities are currently investigating the case and will make the results public in coming days. WHO awaits the investigation results and stands ready to provide support to national health authorities.


Vaccines need to be stored and managed properly or they can lose potency and become less effective. It is important to note, however, that improperly stored or expired vaccine seldom if ever causes a toxic reaction – therefore there is likely to be minimal safety risk in this particular situation. Rather, the risk to children from administering expired or improperly stored vaccine is lack of protection from the disease for which the vaccine was intended.


Vaccines used in China’s Expanded Program on Immunization are known to be safe and effective. The program vaccines have made China free from polio and have reduced vaccine preventable diseases such as hepatitis B among children to very low levels in China. WHO encourages parents continue to protect their children from vaccine preventable diseases through China’s routine Expanded Program on Immunization.疫苗科普


疫苗是一种生物制剂(biological preparation),能增强身体自身的防御系统(boost your body’s own defense system),也就是免疫系统(immune system)接种疫苗可以说inoculate/get vaccine/take an vaccine shot,例:The girl is taking an A/H1N1 flu vaccine shot. (这个女孩正在接受甲型H1N1流感疫苗注射。)


疫苗通过模仿病毒传染(imitate an infection)增强免疫力(develop immunity)。通过注射疫苗产生的病毒传染并不会导致生病,它会让免疫系统产生T淋巴细胞(T-lymphocyte)抗体(antibodies)。有时候,在注射完疫苗后会有轻微的症状(minor symptoms),如发烧(fever)等。这些轻微症状是正常的,正是身体建立免疫的表现。当病毒传染消失,人的身体也留下了“记忆”,掌握了将来面对这种病毒的抵抗方式。不过通常,建立“记忆”的过程需要几周,所以一个人在刚接种完疫苗后刚好生了这种疫苗预防的疾病也是有可能的,因为疫苗产生作用的周期还没有过完。


3 疫苗分为几类?

我国疫苗分为两类。The country's vaccination system is divided into two categories at present.


The first is mandatory vaccination, mostly free and using domestic vaccines under the National Immunization Program.


The second is alternative vaccination, which parents must pay for.

目前在我国有14种强制疫苗(mandatory vaccines)和约30种可选疫苗(optional vaccines)。根据卫生部的报告,2011年,我国儿童疫苗接种率(inoculation rate)高达90%。4可能接种过问题疫苗,怎么办?

国家卫生和计划生育委员会官员周三表示,从我国疑似预防接种异常反应信息管理系统报告情况分析,未发现疑似预防接种异常反应增多的情况。从世卫组织的声明中也可以看出,山东这批疫苗的最大风险在于可能失效(lack of protection from the disease for which the vaccine was intended),而不是对人体造成毒性伤害(causes a toxic reaction)。在确定疫苗种类后,可以向疾控部门或者接种单位咨询,进行补种。


timeisflying 发表于 2016-3-24 16:27:46
Thank you for your sharing.
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