





恋上水晶: 诞生石的奇妙世界

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-3-27 23:51| 查看数: 1619| 评论数: 0|


Crystal healing therapy has been around since the beginning of mankind in some form or another. Though documented evidence of exactly how these amulets and stones were used didn't appear until much later, jewelry artifacts dating back nearly 60,000 years are evidence to humans' intrinsic fascination with these natural elements.自人类诞生以来,水晶疗法已经以各种各样的形式融入了人类的生活。虽然很久之后人类才发现有关这些护身符或幸运石使用方法的文献记载,但在大约60000年前出现的宝石手工制品足以证明人类痴迷于这些自然元素的天性。 Crystals as mechanisms for healing is based on the physical as well as supernatural properties of each stone.水晶用于疗愈机制是基于每一块石头的物理和超自然特性。 This article will acquaint you with the fascinating world of crystal meanings by breaking down some of the common lore of each of the 12 birthstones.本文将打破人们对12种诞生石的固有观念,带你探索水晶的奇妙世界。

January Birthstone: Garnet Crystal Meaning一月诞生石:石榴石的寓意

Garnet is a romantic stone that can enhance sensuality as well as protect against evil thoughts and nightmares. This birthstone, like other red stones, is associated with the root chakra, making it great for an energy or confidence boost. Not only would garnet help aid in relieving depression, it also embodies commitment, truth, and is a symbol of compassion.


February Birthstone: Amethyst Crystal Meaning二月诞生石:紫水晶的寓意

Ancient amethyst folklore suggests that amethyst has the ability to protect against drunkenness, which is great if you've had one too many cocktails, but I wouldn't recommend relying on this as a sobering technique. More commonly, amethyst helps instill clarity of thought and enhance one's intuition. It is a calming stone that promotes relaxation and stability.


March Birthstone: Aquamarine Crystal Meaning三月诞生石:海蓝宝石的寓意

Aquamarine as its name might suggest, has long been associated with the sea and was known to protect sailors on deep sea voyages. This pale blue stone is linked to the throat chakra and is used in deep meditation to calm the mind.


April Birthstone: Diamond Crystal Meaning四月诞生石:钻石的寓意

Clear, colorless diamonds are a powerful component of crystal healing. They are used in combination with other gemstones and are said to enhance the metaphysical properties of every stone it comes in contact with. Diamonds enhance thoughts, lending the wearer a more creative or focused outlook. Not only has diamond been used to alleviate fears, it has been used in ancient times as a remedy for poison.


May Birthstone: Emerald Crystal Meaning五月诞生石:祖母绿的寓意

Emerald is a passion stone and has been used to enhance your natural passion, regardless of what it may be. The green stone is associated with the heart chakra making it the perfect stone for healing and enhancing matters relating to the heart.


June Birthstone: Alexandrite Crystal Meaning六月诞生石:紫翠玉的寓意

If your self-control is lacking, alexandrite is the perfect stone for you. This color-changing gem is associated with the crown chakra and is said to enhance concentration.Throughout time, it has been known to protect its wearer as well as bring good luck.


July Birthstone: Ruby Crystal Meaning七月诞生石:红宝石的寓意

Like garnet, rubyis connected to the root chakra and is known to enhance energy as well as your love life. It can also promote a more positive outlook and make you more wise.


August Birthstone: Peridot Crystal Meaning八月诞生石:橄榄石的寓意

Peridot is one of the more ancient stones on this list and has been the subject of gemstone folklore for thousands of years. They have been known as protective stones that can dispel even the worst bad dreams and fearful thoughts. Peridot also promotes friendship and can guard against jealous thoughts.


September Birthstone: Sapphire Crystal Meaning九月诞生石:蓝宝石的寓意

Sapphire comes in a rainbow of colors, and in a similar fashion, is able to assist with many ailments. Though most commonly associated with the brow chakra, it can be used in coordination with many other chakras depending on the color. Sapphire can enhance overall mental clarity and help minimize negative thoughts.


October Birthstone: Opal Crystal Meaning十月诞生石:蛋白石的寓意

There is no doubt by looking at the stone that opal is a creativity stone. It can enhance your imagination and overall youthfulness. It is known as a water stone due to the sheer amount of water the stone holds, and therefore, its energy is closely aligned with moving water. Like water is always changing, so too can opal help ease transitions associated with change.


November Birthstone: Topaz Crystal Meaning十一月诞生石:黄玉的寓意

Topazis known as a sacred stone that has the ability to cleanse thoughts and increase vitality. It can enhance awareness to your own thoughts, making it easier for the wearer to place energy where healing is needed the most.


December Birthstone: Turquoise Meaning十二月诞生石:绿松石的寓意

Turquoise is the only gemstone on this list that comes in a vibrant, opaque hue. Rather than expel unique healing energy onto its owner, turquoise does the opposite by taking on specific traits of the wearer. This trait enhances the wearers' ability to analyze their own thoughts. It is also associated with the throat chakra, making this stone an aid to communication. Not only will turquoise help you better understand yourself, it will also allow you to communicate your ideas to others.



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