






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2016-4-9 00:23| 查看数: 988| 评论数: 0|


  Fleur de Force, 27, is an award-winning beauty blogger who lives in Northamptonshire with her husband Mike. She has make-up ranges with Feel Unique and Eylure and is author of The Glam Guide Make-up style Naturally flawless. I don’t like to look like I’m wearing too much make-up. I keep colours neutral apart from the occasional red lip.

  Fleur de Force,27岁,和她的丈夫Mike一起居住在北安普敦郡,是一名获奖美容博主。她的化妆品从 Feel Unique到 Eylure,是自然完美化妆风美丽指南的执笔人。我不喜欢化浓妆。除了偶尔涂抹红色口红外,我一直使用中性色彩。

  In my make-up bag Bourjois Air Matte Foundation, Clé de Peau Beauté Concealer, Max Factor Masterpiece Mascara, Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit and Aerin Rose Balm Lipsticks.

  我的化妆包里有Bourjois Air Matte Foundation,Clé de Peau Beauté Concealer,Max Factor Masterpiece Mascara,Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit和Aerin Rose Balm口红。

  To Get the glow Drink as much water as possible and get as much sleep as you can. If all else fails and you’re relying on products, I recommend Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil and Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders.Rescue remedies For a bad hair day it’s always CoLab dry shampoo and GHD straighteners. For a bad face day, I use a higher coverage foundation such as Too Faced Born This Way.

  为了焕发出神采,尽可能多喝水,多睡觉。如果做不到这些,你就要依赖产品了,我推荐Riley Luna 周日晚霜和Hourglass Ambient提亮粉底。补救糟糕的头发,通常使用CoLab干洗洗发剂和GHD矫直机。面对脸部糟糕的一天,我使用遮瑕度较高的产品,比如Too Faced Born This Way。

   What makes me feel beautiful


  If I’m working out regularly and eating healthily I feel better. I try to get to the gym three times a week. What I eat makes a huge difference to my self-esteem. If I’m looking after my body I feel more confident, even if the only difference is a couple of pounds.


  Body and mind


  I use Crest White Strips on my teeth every two to three months, Oral-B’s Pro 5000 electric toothbrush and Pro-Expert toothpaste. I drink green tea and veggie juices. I try to have one day a week when I’m not working and I sleep six to eight hours a night – any less and I can’t function at my normal pace.

  每隔两到三个月,我在牙齿上使用Crest White Strips,Oral-B’s Pro5000电动牙刷和Pro-Expert牙膏。我喝绿茶和蔬菜果汁。每周不上班的时候,我尝试抽出一天睡6-8个小时,时间稍微少一点儿,都会打乱我正常的工作步骤。

  Where I go for tips


  Tati Westbrook (GlamLifeGuru), who is based in Los Angeles. We met after watching each other’s YouTube videos and have been great friends ever since. She used to be a make-up artist and is really knowledgeable. That, combined with the fact that she’s lovely, makes her my go-to for beauty tutorials.

  Tati Westbrook住在洛杉矶。我们在看到彼此的优酷视频以后见了面,自此以后,就成为了很好的朋友。她曾是一名化妆师,知识广博。除此以外,事实上,她很可爱,因此,她成为了我的彩妆顾问。

  I won’t compromise on Mascara. My favourites are YSL, Max Factor, Tarte and Lanc?me.

  我不会向Mascara妥协。我最喜欢的品牌是YSL,Max Factor,Tarte和Lanc?me。

  Instant confidence boost A gorgeous matt red lipstick.


  Ever go bare-faced? All the time! I like to have a break from make-up as looking after your skin means you’ll need less when you do wear it. It’s nice to notice the difference make-up can have, too – when you wear a full face every day, it isn’t as impactful.



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