





【双语 】乔妹的空气刘海你也想剪同款?看完这篇文章你可能就改主意了

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-4-12 22:27| 查看数: 1225| 评论数: 0|


Whether you’re a fan of South Korean dramas or not, you probably already know that Descendants of the Sun (《太阳的后裔》) is hugely popular across China. The TV series has not only turned its lead actor Song Joong-ki into an international heartthrob, but it has also launched the hairstyle craze sweeping Asia.


Women are rushing to the hair salon to copy lead actress Song Hye-kyo’s trademark bangs. Long and wispy, Song’s bangs dance across her forehead, giving her a sweet, girly look. They’re sometimes called “see-through bangs” (空气刘海) because they’re too thin to obscure the wearer’s forehead. But the truth is, not everyone can pull off this style. Even if you’re as good-looking as Song Hye-kyo, see-through bangs might leave you looking decidedly uncool.


Who can pull off this fashionable hairstyle then? It all comes down to the texture of your hair. See-through bangs aren’t for people with thick hair. Hairdryers are key to styling thin, see-through bangs, but they tend to leave thick-haired people with a fluffy mane. Also, people with dry hair are more suited to having see-through bangs. That is because oily hair tends to stick together. No one wants to end up looking like the cartoon character Sanmao, after all.


Another hairstyle that’s sweeping the world is the half-bun, also known as the “hun” (半丸子头). Though it has sprouted on a number of actresses’ heads, including that of Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Yuqi, it looks silly on some celebrities. The problem, once again, comes down to hair type.


US actress Anne Hathaway is known for her elegant style, but when she sported a “hun” at an event last year in New York City, some style critics were left disappointed. Gossip columnist Perez Hilton wrote on his fashion blog that Hathaway’s half-up, half-down bun was just confusing. “She definitely should have just let her hair down,” Hilton wrote.

美国女演员安妮•海瑟薇以品味优雅著称,但当她去年梳着 “半丸子头”在纽约参加活动时,不少时尚评论家失望极了。八卦专栏作家佩雷斯•希尔顿在他的时尚博客中写道,完全看不懂海瑟薇一半扎起一半放下的丸子头。希尔顿说:“她就应该把她的头发全都放下来嘛。”

Hathaway’s silky, straight hair was to blame for the fashion faux pas. The point of the “hun” is to create a slightly disheveled look. The best way to achieve that effect is to avoid “being too careful and precise,” Gemma Brown, a senior hairstylist in Dubai told Al Arabiya English.

海瑟薇这次时尚大灾难的罪魁祸首就是她那头丝般柔顺的直发。“半丸子头”的关键是要给人一种略带凌乱的感觉。迪拜高级发型师杰玛•布朗在接受阿拉伯电视台英语频道记者采访时说,达到这种效果最好的方法就是避免“太精致 ”。


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