






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-4-22 16:59| 查看数: 1214| 评论数: 0|

You’ve probably said it to yourself 100 times before: I really need to start reading more. When you’re an out-of-the-habit adult with a full schedule, however, finding the time to pick up a book can be a challenge.你可能之前对你自己说过100次了:我真的应该开始多读书了。然而,当你习惯把日程安排得很满,又没有阅读习惯时,可能很难找出时间来读书。

But this is a goal worth striving for. Here are five easy ways to get you reading more right now.但这是一个值得努力的目标。以下五种简单易行的方法,帮助你多多阅读。

1Set a specific book-reading goal设定一个明确的读书目标

How many books do you want to read? How fast do you want to read them? Picking out specific numbers will make it easier to track your progress and to celebrate your victories. 你想读多少本书?你想以多快的速度来读这些书?设定确切的数字目标,易于你跟进阅读过程,并庆祝阶段性的胜利。

2Schedule a nonnegotiable time to read安排一段专注阅读的时间

Carve out a block of time that can only be used for reading. Schedule it in your planner and make it as important as eating dinner or sleeping. Use an app such as Evernote—or even a simple alarm clock—to remind you that it’s time to pick up a book. Choose your time carefully though: Complicated material is easier to understand early in the morning when your mental clarity is at its peak.划出一段阅读专用时间。将这段时间放进你的计划表里,它要和吃饭、睡觉一样重要。用印象笔记之类的App或简单的闹钟来提醒你到看书的时候了。你要仔细选择自己的阅读时间:早上更容易理解复杂的内容,因为那时你的思维最清晰。

3Set up a space to read建造一个阅读空间

Pick a room free from loud distractions and set up your reading sanctuary. Find a comfy chair near a lamp and a small table. Most important, don’t file that book away in between reading sessions. Leave it out in the open to keep it top of mind.选择一个没有噪音干扰的房间,建造你的阅读圣地。在台灯和桌子旁找一张舒服的椅子。最重要的是,在两次阅读的间隔期间,不要把书放回书架。把书留在一眼就能看到的地方,可以时时提醒自己。

4Pick a format that you enjoy选择你喜欢的阅读形式

The debate of eBooks versus “treeBooks” will wage on, but here are some nuggets of information to help you decide. 关于电子书和纸质书的辩论会继续下去,但这里提供一些有用的信息,帮你做出决定。

E-Books are instant, portable and, well, fun to play with. They can make it easier to locate hard-to-find titles and the text and page appearance are customizable, which is great if you have trouble reading small type. 电子书随处可读、便于携带,而且饶有趣味。电子书可以让你轻松定位到纸质书中不易查找的段落或文章标题,并且其文本和页面样式可以根据用户的需要更改,如果你看小字体费劲,这一功能就很有用。

If you can’t fit another charger in your outlet, however, paper books are truly cordless, as well as being much easier to share. They can give your eyes a break from staring at a screen, but the biggest draw for paper books comes down to pure sentimentality: There’s just something about them. Truth be told, neither format is objectively better than the other. Just pick what works best for you.但是,如果你的插座插不下另一个充电器,那么纸质书是不用充电的,也更便于分享。看纸质书,你的眼睛偶尔可以休息一下,不用长时间盯着屏幕,从而得到休息。但纸质书最大的吸引力在于人们对于它们的纯粹感情:对它们总是有些割舍不下。说真的,没有哪种形式一定比另一种好。挑一种最适合你的就好。

5Visit the library去图书馆

Perhaps it’s been a while since the last time you went to the library—maybe your third-grade teacher made you.你可能有阵子没去图书馆了——上次去图书馆可能是上三年级时,老师让你去的。

But give it a shot; today’s library looks nothing like the dusty shelves you remember. Now they’re well-stocked with the latest titles in a variety of formats, including audiobooks, and since it’s free, it’s a risk-free way to try out topics you’re not usually into. 但试着去一次吧,如今的图书馆不再像你记忆中的那样,只有铺满灰尘的书架。现在图书馆藏书丰富,还有形式多样的新版图书,包括有声读物。因为图书馆对外免费开放,所以去那儿试着读读你平时不感兴趣的那类书,也不会浪费钱。

If you’re an eBook reader, check out the Overdrive app. It lets you virtually check out eBooks and audiobooks from your local library for free with a library card.如果你喜欢读电子书,可以尝试用Overdrive。只要你有一张图书卡,你可以在这款App上从当地图书馆借阅电子书和有声读物。


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