






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-4-25 09:38| 查看数: 882| 评论数: 0|

Volkswagen has offered to buy back nearly half a million cars in the US in what could be the world’s biggest auto repurchase deal, as the German carmaker sought to draw a line under its emissions scandal.


The final terms of a deal with US regulators are still being negotiated, including the scale of the compensation for US car owners and the costs to VW, but are expected to run into billions of dollars.


It emerged in September that VW had installed test-cheating defeat devices in up to 11m diesel cars globally that served to understate their emissions of harmful nitrogen oxides, or NOX.


Analysts have estimated it will cost VW more than $7bn to buy back the 480,000 US cars, though it is not known how many consumers will accept the deal. Analysts expect the €6.7bn that VW set aside last year to be raised to €15bn today when it releases some details from its delayed earnings results — with some analysts estimating the final bill may exceed €45bn.


The global car industry was shaken last year after the VW emissions scandal broke, denting consumer confidence and triggering a series of investigations in other countries into VW’s practices and those of rival carmakers.


Investigators in France and Japan yesterday raided offices of Peugeot and Mitsubishi Motors in separate probes related to vehicle performance and emissions, while the UK released a report saying 37 different diesel cars in the UK failed emissions tests.

法国和日本的调查人员昨日突击搜查了标致(Peugeot)和三菱汽车(Mitsubishi Motors)的办公室,这些互不关联的调查涉及车辆性能和排放。同时英国发表的一份报告称,37款柴油汽车未能通过英国的排放测试。

VW, which must finalise a deal with US authorities before a court deadline on June 21, still faces the prospect of lawsuits from customers and investors.


US district court judge Charles R Breyer said at a hearing in San Francisco yesterday that there was still a lot of work to be done but added that the parties had devised “a concrete plan”.

美国地区法院法官查尔斯•布雷耶(Charles R Breyer)昨日在旧金山的庭审期间表示仍有大量工作需要完成,但补充称,双方制定了“一份具体的计划”。

“I’ve never seen any buyback proposal [of] that size. It’s unprecedented,” said Arndt Ellinghorst, analyst at Evercore ISI. “It doesn’t mean every consumer will trade their cars back. But they might do.”

“我从来没有见过这种规模的回购提议。这是前所未有的,”Evercore ISI分析师阿恩特•埃林霍斯特(Arndt Ellinghorst)表示。“这并不意味着每一位消费者都会回卖他们的汽车。但他们可能这么做。”

The move to buy back cars in the US is likely to increase pressure on VW to offer a more generous compensation package to customers in Europe. Although the company has started recalling affected cars in Europe, it has not offered compensation to customers.


VW said yesterday: “The arrangements in the making in the US will have no legal bearing on proceedings outside of the US.”



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