






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-5-1 22:45| 查看数: 1065| 评论数: 0|

It's not unusual in the United States for a new motherto quit her job after giving birth to a child. Sam is only 9months old, and his mother, Lora, dreaded the thoughtof going back to work.

"I got only six weeks with him, and it is just not enoughtime. We needed someone to take care of him, but thecost of day care in D.C. is high. I would not be bringing home enough money to cover day-carebills," she said.

在美国,母亲分娩后辞职的现象非常普遍。萨姆只有9个月大, 他的母亲劳拉非常害怕重返工作岗位。


While the U.S. is nowhere close to a federal law that mandates paid maternity leave, some statesare addressing the issue. A new law in New York assures new mothers 12 weeks of paid maternityleave. New Jersey covers 67 percent of six weeks of leave. California covers 55 percent of sixweeks. Rhode Island covers four weeks.

"If you live in those four states, you would be covered and eligible to have paid leave, but if you livein the rest of the USA, it really just depends on whether or not your employer voluntarily offersthose benefits, since we do not have any national programs to provide wage replacement," saidSarah Jane Glynn from the Center for American Progress.


“如果你住在这四个州,你将享受带薪产假,但是如果你住在美国其他地方,这就取决于你的雇主是否自愿提供这些福利了,因为没有任何国家计划来提供薪资替代。”美国进步中心的Sarah Jane Glynn表示。

US law 'has not caught up'

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders favor a national program thatwould allow new mothers to take 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. This is an improvement overthe 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act — which provides job-protected unpaid leave to governmentemployees or those in private sector companies with 50 or more employees. But critics say thatlaw covers only 60 percent of new mothers because only 60 percent of workers even qualify —and many new moms cannot afford to take time off.

"The U.S. has not caught up with the fact that most women today work. Our labor laws ... themajority were set a long time ago when families looked very different. Today the majority ofwomen work, the majority of mothers work, even the majority of moms who have very youngchildren are in the paid labor force," said Glynn.




Still, some companies do provide not only paid maternity leave but paid paternity leave as well.

New dad Joe is thrilled to have six weeks of paid leave.

"I think it is up to employers to pay or not, but the best employers are doing it now. It is good forthe employee, which means it is good for the company," he said.

Opponents of a paid family leave law say it’s bad for business because it’s too costly.

"Small businesses cannot afford to have that burden on them. Also, the small businesses cannotafford increases in taxes," said one.

But supporters of the idea say the cost of paid maternity leave is very low relative to the benefit tothe family.








1.dread v.害怕,恐惧;担心

Children dread the derision of their playmates.


2.mandate v.授权,委托;批准,颁布

Each one can only mandate one custodian.


3.eligible adj.有资格的,合适的

He is eligible for a surgeon.


4.qualify v.(使)具有资格;证明…合格

He had little experience to qualify him for the post.


5.costly adj.昂贵的;代价高的

Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.



1.but if you live in the rest of the USA, it reallyjust depends on whether or not your employervoluntarily offers those benefits.

depend on取决于,随…而定

They depend on a particular historical situation.


2.But critics say that law covers only 60 percent of new mothers because only 60 percentof workers even qualify — and many new moms cannot afford to take time off.

take time off休息,休假

You mustn't take time off just because you want to see a football match.


3.But supporters of the idea say the cost of paid maternity leave is very low relative to thebenefit to the family.

relative to相对于

The atoms are large, relative to their spacing.



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