






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-5-4 19:49| 查看数: 616| 评论数: 0|

A crackdown on the sale of data from China’s sprawling statistics agencies has prompted a marked deterioration in the numbers investors rely on to understand the world’s second-largest economy.


Executives searching for figures on China’s petroleum exports or wind power output have noticed growing gaps in the numbers, with some data released later than expected or missing entirely. That has made it harder to assess the state of the broader economy and the many industries where the country has become the dominant producer or buyer of raw materials.


“It will quickly become an issue if it continues,” one oil trader at a non-


Chinese state oil company said. “We can use ship-tracking to try and get a handle on what’s happening in China’s oil sector, but it’s never as accurate compared to the actual data.”


The gaps appeared after China’s feared corruption watchdog, the Central Committee for Disciplinary Inspection, began a probe into the National Bureau of Statistics six months ago. The bureau’s head was removed in February.


Much of the most detailed information is not published publicly but is sold to news agencies, banks, consultancies or other parties by NBS departments.


While China’s economic data have long been criticised for being too open to political interference, Beijing is sensitive to the country’s growing clout in commodity markets and its sway over the pricing of raw materials. Chinese authorities are trying to curb a burst of speculative trading in commodities futures, which has influenced markets from iron ore to cotton in recent weeks.


The CCDI last week said it was disciplining 313 NBS officials for “profiting from statistics”. It barred officials from “receiving royalties, editorial fees or labour fees” from statistics data.

伦敦咨询公司Energy Aspects的米沙尔•美丹(Michal Meidan)表示,集中发布数据的尝试可能导致进一步混乱。“惧怕受到惩处意味着,许多此前出售数据的其他渠道可能被关闭,因此未来几个月来自中国的数据可能不那么及时,”美丹表示。

Michal Meidan, at consultancy Energy Aspects in London, said attempts to centralise data releases may lead to further disruption. “The fear of a crackdown means that a number of other outlets that have sold data may be shut down, so numbers coming out of China might be less timely in the coming months,” Ms Meidan said.


“But in the longer term this crackdown is part of Beijing’s wider attempts to limit corruption and increase transparency, which may ultimately lead to more reliable data in the future.”


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