






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-5-10 11:45| 查看数: 637| 评论数: 0|

       Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader has promised to “improve and normalise” relations with countries that have been hostile in the past, even as he pushes to accelerate its nuclear weapons programme.
        朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)承诺要与过去处于敌对关系的国家“改善关系,实现关系正常化”,即便他正在推动加速朝鲜的核武器计划。
        In speeches broadcast on state television, Mr Kim said his foreign policy is one of “independence, peace and friendship”. He pledged not to use nuclear weapons unless nuclear-armed “aggressive hostile forces” encroach upon his country’s sovereignty.
        Under North Korea’s definition of sovereignty his statement does not appear to rule out an attack on the US or South Korea. The regime regards the latter as an illegitimate state occupying the southern part of Pyongyang’s rightful territory.
        “The Worker’s Party of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [North Korea’s official name] government will improve and normalise relations with those countries which respect the sovereignty of the DPRK and are friendly towards it, though they had been hostile toward it in the past,” Mr Kim said at a speech in the capital to a rare party congress being held to solidify the 33-year-old’s grip on power and usher in an era of reform.
        Mr Kim also proposed holding military talks with South Korea to ease tension on the border and to bring peace and unification to the peninsula.
        Seoul rejected Pyongyang’s olive branch, calling it a propaganda ploy that lacked sincerity.
        “The North’s proposal is merely its propaganda drive with no sincerity as it speaks of inter-Korean dialogue while continuing to develop a nuclear arsenal,” said the unification ministry in charge of inter-Korean relations.
        Seoul urged Pyongyang to move toward denuclearisation if it is sincere about rapprochement and unification.
        “South Korea and the international community have the same stance that North Korea should not be recognised as a nuclear-powered state,” the ministry said.
        KCNA, the totalitarian state’s media outlet, said Mr Kim’s speeches served “as an encyclopedic political programme giving a perfect solution to all problems”.
        Analysts and officials in South Korea and the US had been expecting Mr Kim to launch a fifth nuclear test in the coming days as part of celebrations surrounding the congress but several analysts said his latest remarks make that less likely.


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