






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-5-13 23:30| 查看数: 1268| 评论数: 0|

Have a listen to this. That is a short extract from AliHarrison’s upcoming documentary Britain's Whalesand Britain's Sharks. In it, the body of a nine-metrehumpback whale drowned and washed up on a coastis returned to the ocean to review how its death cansustain ocean life. And it resulted in the largestgathering of sharks ever recorded in UK waters. She spoke to the BBC.


There was two sides to me. The night before when my co-presenter had the opportunity to divefirst when there were just a few blue sharks on our whale. And then it was my turn. It’s sort of sixo’clock next morning. Conditions change quite a lot overnight, you know. Every single way youturned, there were blue sharks coming out from the darkness. Every single way you turned. It wasincredible.

Two hundred blue sharks. You didn’t sound scared in that clip. But I understand that one of thedivers who was with you actually got a bit of a nip from one of the sharks?



Yes, yeah that’s right. They’ve been there for a little while, so we had our cameraman and a reallyexperienced dive crew who were supporting all of our activities. Things sort of change. Once I gotin the water, I think what happened was there was a lot more talking. And it sends out a lot ofelectrical signals into the water which started to change the behavior of the sharks. And I think onceall that activities started, one of them got a little bit excitable and gave him a nip, which he wasactually delighted about it. This is quite a badge of honour to have.

I bet. He was trying to be polite to the shark. But let’s talk about the whale. Tell us about that. Imean, you’d never done this before obviously. And this has been the biggest number of sharks alltogether. What was that like? Describe it first.



It was incredibly difficult. It took us three years just to get to this stage because we have people onwatchout waiting for the right size. It has to be not too big and not too small. And eventually wegot this humpback who tragically died. But the logistics of getting a whale, it took the permissionsof fifteen different government agencies and then freezing experts to get this whale back out intothe sea. It hadn’t been done before, so it’s the first ever study of its type.

And tell us what did it tell you.

We knew that there were sharks in our waters. We knew that we had about thirty different speciesof sharks in our waters, but we’ve never expected that to be the numbers. Seeing that number ofblue sharks together has given a lot of academics a lot of behaviour that they are able to write upabout and not really knowing that they could congregate in numbers this big, that was probably ourbiggest finding.





1.sustain v. 维持;支撑,承担;忍受

例句:How long will you sustain the rudeness of yourboss?


2.incredible adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

例句:His story sounds incredible.


3.nip n/v. 夹;捏;剪断

例句:The neck of the zebra was nipped by a lion.


4.badge n. 徽章

例句:The boy pins a badge on his jacket.


5.congregate v. 聚集

例句:The students are congregated in the auditorium.



1.And it resulted in the largest gathering of sharks everrecorded in UK waters.

resulted in引起;导致;结果是

例句:If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the dietis inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.


例句:The boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses.


2.And it sends out a lot of electrical signals into the water which started to change the behavior ofthe sharks.

send out发出; 发送; 长出; 散布

例句:The crew did not send out any distress signals.


例句:The sun sends out light and heat.



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