





BBC新闻:法国数万人上街示威 抗议劳改法案

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-5-27 22:38| 查看数: 919| 评论数: 0|

Members of parliament in Trivia debating a draft measure that would remove some of the legislators own immunity from prosecution. Members of the pro-Kurdish opposition said the proposal is designed to target them and suppress decent. The governing AK party will need support from other parties, it means to achieve the 2/3 majority required to pass the bill

The French Presidnet Francois Holland said he won\'t back down in an dispute with Trade Unions of a new labor law, further street demonstrations against the measures are expect too many today. In an interview with French Radio, the president insisted the legislation will stay, and he threaten tough actions against any protestors clashing with police. The government says the labor market reforms will creat jobs, the Unions said they would destroy job security and rote what it writes.

An American who is have the first pennis transplant in the United States has told BBC that he hopes his operation will hearten war veterans for genetal injuries. Thomas Manning who is 64 said he was determined to have a replacement pennis after his own was amputated after he got cancer. He said he wanted to speak out about his experience, We have people that thought for years and told them about how they have had amputated, they saw it on their face, they cringed, thinks the idea. But I don\'t hide things, I must talk it to all of front.

Ten Gay writes activists in Georgia have been detained to painting Ryan Bogrifity on the side of an orthodox church office. The suspect while arrested in an active writing the slogan All Love is Equal. Georgia\'s orthodox church which opposes same sex marriage, is marking strength the female day, which carry sides with the international day against Homophobia. Georgia\'s capital Triblicy is currently hosting the conservative world congress of families.


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